Tag Archives: calmness

Soulbyte for Friday August 31, 2018

Remain calm through thick and thin. Though your temper may flare, calm its flame. Though your ire may ignite, calm it. Though your disgust may rise, calm it. Though your fear may stir, calm it. Though your sadness may emerge, calm it. Though your hatred may erupt, calm it. Even as your joy blossoms and your happiness bursts forth let them come in calm waves, everything in like manner so that calmness may reign within and without. Acknowledge what comes but in calmness find balance, integration, meaning, and wholeness, your energy ignited to carry on long and strong, as it should be. For what is the use of a lot of wasted energy? Hone your energy into a calm river and walk beside it in like manner, a calm being, breathing calmly upon the calm earth. As within, so without. In calmness.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 22, 2018

All will be well. As things continue to shift, and as you make the changes that are now necessary in your life, project ahead to a time when all will be well. Imagine what that will look like and know that indeed all will be well. Use this mantra to anchor in your heart’s intent and knowing that you are on the path to change and that as you progress, one step at a time, each day is part of the journey and that on this day too all will be well. You’re all set, for all is as it should be for this day’s journey. All will be well today. All will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 31, 2018

Let your mind be still, your heart calm, your body loose and easy. Remind yourself often to “relax your body, relax your mind,” as you make your way through the day. In stillness, calmness, and ease of body, mind, and heart breathe and acknowledge that in this moment you are fine, and let that be enough. “In this moment I am fine.” Let this moment be good enough. With kindness and compassion for yourself let this moment be good enough. Eventually all of those good enough moments will string together into a fine day indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: In This Moment


In this moment be calm and still…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In this moment be calm. Today’s channeling offers a guided meditation for focusing, breathing, and staying calmly present in the moment without worry or attachment. Something we could all use a lot more of. Enjoy!

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 1, 2018

Remain heart centered today. In your mind’s eye envision yourself sitting calmly upon your heart throne, a place of calmness, stillness, wisdom, and light. Bask in knowing that as you envision this you become ruler of your own domain, of your body, mind, and soul, of your feelings and emotions, of your needs and wants. In the containment of your own throne room, sitting upon your heart cushion, you become your own breath and your own inner calmness naturally breeds peacefulness. Return to heart center as often as possible and just breathe. This is your spirit’s domain and spirit always makes room for you. Breathe and be calm, be at peace.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne