Tag Archives: belief systems

Chuck’s Place: New Thoughtfulness

Harnessing the innate divine power within…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

The heart of the New Thought movement, the backdrop of  modern spirituality, is the acknowledgment of divine power within all human beings.

Biblical stories provide guidance to access these divine capabilities, which are latent in the human soul. For instance, one’s faith in one’s innate ability to heal is highlighted, over reliance upon outside remedy.  

These powers have been concretely catalogued in The Telepathy Tapes podcasts, particularly episodes 8, 9, and 10 , where both autistic children and adults share their experiences in the ‘heavenly’ astral realm, concurrent with physical life. How ironic that those considered at the lowest level of human cognitive ability are, in fact, demonstrating the next step in human evolution.

In effect, limitations in fine motor access in the physical body of autistic people has been compensated for by powerful access to their soul body, with its highly evolved telepathic communication capabilities, as well as remote viewing, out-of-body exploration, and connections with beings in the finer dimensions of infinity.

The New Thought movement has capitalized on the mind-to-mind ability to project thought to the subconscious mind of self, and other, for the purpose of healing and manifestation. Beyond the obvious destruction of the outer world, that we all bear witness to now, is the demonstration of the enormous capability of one mind to project thoughts into many minds, whereby creating a new reality.

We all have access to that same power, through the use of self-hypnosis, where one’s conscious mind suspends its analytic mind and directly suggests, to the mother of creation—the subconscious mind—its intentions for change.

The New Thought movement has been criticized for its emphasis on ego  desires for material gain, which it is fully capable of realizing. However, one can never escape the cause and effect outcomes of one’s intentions. Material gain at the expense of others will likely result in a nervous disorder of constantly needing more, or an obsession with defending what one continually accumulates.

The father of the New Thought movement, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866), came to the clarity that, yes, telepathically, we are all floating in an ocean of energized thoughts. Our beliefs are the rudder with which we navigate these tidal waves of influential thought, as well as the fish we catch and consume in that ocean of thought. We become what we believe.

We frequently exercise our divine right of manifestation through an internal dialogue that limits our magical being. We unconsciously internalize the beliefs we are fed and unknowingly generate them into physical reality.

We can exercise our divinity at the level of pure sensual delights, or inflate to high levels of self-importance. We can choose personal gain that excludes the needs of others. We can care for others to the extreme neglect of ourselves. We can emphasize our spiritual capabilities to the neglect of our physical lives. We are free to choose and create any of these possibilities. Everything is divinely possible and is a valid part of all that is.

Quimby realized that these divine prerogatives also include access to divine truth. His predilection was to sit with a patient until he arrived at the divine truth of why a patient was in the predicament they were in and then to help them grasp their issue at that formative level. From there, the patient had full access to the changes they needed to make to solve their malady and be in alignment with their divine purpose. The healing balm is alignment with the truth rather than with a  false belief.

Following Quimby’s lead, our present evolution asks us to emphasize New Thoughtfulness. Joe Dispenza emphasizes intense meditation in his healing workshops that provides a path to the divine truth of the pathogenesis of an ailment. This is an expression of deep thoughtfulness readily opening to divine cure.

When we focus on heart-centered breathing, with the intent of caring for our interdependent wholeness, both within and without, we arrive at a deeply thoughtful place of refined love and compassion for all.

When we ask our high soul-self to provide us with guidance from divine intelligence, through intuition and interaction, we extend the range of our thoughtfulness to embrace the divine wisdom within and without. This is the New Thoughtfulness needed to align with the greater good for all, NOW!


Inspirations for this blog:

The Quimby Manuscripts by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
The Telepathy Tapes podcast
Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza

Chuck’s Place: How To Believe

The power of the internal dialogue…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

The foundation for belief, in this world, is socialization. We believe what we are told. The advertising industry spends billions of dollars a year to attract our attention, tell us what to believe, and, ultimately, control how we behave.

Although we don’t arrive in this world with a blank mental slate, we are nonetheless most influenced in childhood by the rules and judgments presented to us from primary parental figures, authority figures, and peer role models.

Science, with its focus on material proof, has reigned as a standard for believability for a couple of centuries. However, our current modern world is relativizing this standard of truth, with its emphasis upon the dominant role of suggestion in generating belief.

The power to control the narrative, the words used to describe current world challenges or opinions, is everywhere evident. A statement made on X results in a major loss of revenue, as advertisers run for the hills. Books are banned that suggest values or beliefs one disagrees with. I am not making a First Amendment pitch for free speech, but rather giving a neutral acknowledgment of the power of speech upon belief.

Carlos Castaneda emphasized the power of socialization, above all else, to fixate our belief system—and, hence, the world we generate—through shared beliefs with others. Our current world crises reflect a critical breakdown of a coherent belief system. The real current World War is a war of competing beliefs. Beliefs are indeed the deadliest of weapons.

Beliefs are magical spells. Shamans teach that, at a subconscious level, we incessantly repeat internalized beliefs. They call this the internal dialogue that constantly judges everything, most especially the self. The internal dialogue repeats the slogans from our internal advertising agency, which in turn generates our personal truths and how we see the world.

The shamans are consistent with most spiritual practices that encourage arriving at inner silence to suspend the power of fixated beliefs that color our view of ourselves, and the world. From the vantage point of inner silence, we see the relativity and power of belief.

However, as venerable as silence is to spiritual advancement it is not necessary to advance your beliefs. You needn’t even believe in a belief to materialize it. The only requirement is to attract the subconscious mind to a suggestion, even if you don’t consciously believe it. Repeat the suggestion incessantly, like a well-funded advertising campaign. Eventually the subconscious will be influenced and change your world.

Of course, if your suggestion is denying something, like a truth you are uncomfortable to face, though you will experience a shift eventually, you will also generate a latent karma. Karma is merely the outcome of our choices. If we choose to generate an untruth, the effects of that untruth will generate their own suggestions, which will impact the course of our future life. That’s nature’s basic law of balance.

So, what’s best to believe?

Suggestions that promote spiritual advancement experience the karma of fulfillment. We learn how to believe through rote repetition of beliefs that then manifest. As they manifest, even the Doubting Thomas conscious mind gains faith and believes in the power of the subconscious mind to change the world, within and without.

Own your belief,

Chuck’s Place: What Do I Really Believe?

Love in the silence of personal meditation…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Matter follows thought. Thought issues from the mind. The mind is the soul’s seat of consciousness as it conforms to life in a physical body. The physical body is thus an expression of the soul, in a state of dense energy, as directed by the mind.

The mind has multiple influences upon it, the majority of which operate at a subconscious level. The core drivers of the mind are beliefs, those we consciously subscribe to, but more importantly, those we have internalized through socialization in this life, as well as those encoded in our genetics and archetypal inheritance.

Most of our beliefs operate in the shadow of the subconscious, unbeknownst to the conscious mind. We are a species that is highly susceptible to suggestion, which is merely a prepackaged thought presented to the subconscious mind, which in turn gives it material form through the body’s nervous and endocrine systems.

As the subconscious, by definition, is not a conscious thinking entity, its modus operandi is instinctive reactivity. This reactivity registers as physical sensations and emotions, which steer motor responses to actual physical circumstances or mental thoughts. The subconscious treats outer reality and the imagination identically, that is, as facts to be reacted to.

The influencers of modern social media are suggestion-producers, in the form of thoughts and images, that impact the collective subconscious and generate states of nervous activation, emotion and physical activity that then attempt to define and shape physical reality. For example, the suggestion that Ketanji Brown Jackson is soft on sexual predators becomes the internalized, felt to be, personal belief of many individuals.

Thus, many beliefs are actually not personally generated but are extrinsic mental installations that shape the conscious mind through subconscious influence. In such cases, the ego does not exercise its free will to apply consciousness in its ability to reflect and arrive at its own truth. To the contrary, it blindly accepts and follows the tenets of its internalized suggestions, where they are reacted to, as facts, by the personal subconscious.

Beliefs are also shaped by our educational systems that seek to instill a system of morality, along with tools for understanding and utility, that allow for successful navigation of life in a physical body. Thus, even our basic beliefs about the nature of reality are narrowed by the boundaries of what is considered valid exploration.

Medical treatment is largely confined to physical tests and medicines that correct the observable diseases in the physical body. The powerful effect of placebo, which completely reflects the power of a mental belief, is dismissed as irrelevant to objective reality.

Placebo actually gives evidence to the fundamental fact that, as a person thinketh, so do they becometh. Matter, the state of physical reality, is first and foremost shaped by our beliefs, shaped by inheritance, instinct, experience and karma. The royal road to discovering those beliefs is meditation.

To take true ownership of our physical reality we must illumine the beliefs that subconsciously operate within us, and determine their validity. In the still of meditation we observe how thoughts arise and impact our nervous and glandular activities. We discover the subtleties of beliefs upon the matter of our own physical bodies.

As we calm the subconscious reactivity of sensation and emotion, as well as the free flow of thought, in meditation, we move beyond the defining influence of the subconscious and are opened to the spiritual center of the higher self.

From the meditative position of detached observer we enter the subtle realm of energetic reality. We notice sensations arising spontaneously from the energy centers of the various chakras. We are treated to the experience of vibrational reality, where we can ascend into the quiet and calm of heightened spiritual awareness. We discover ourselves as energetic beings. We discover our higher selves.

At the heart chakra we are led to energetic truth and love, the one true energetic reality. Love is the binding glue of the oneness of all that is. All can experience this truth in the silence of their personal meditation.

As well, all that is untrue and negative will arise in meditation, where the opportunity arises to cleanse oneself of the the limiting beliefs, or habits, that have by default, defined one’s life.

Aligning one’s consciousness and free will with the truths of this spiritual, or energetic center, of the heart, sets the stage for manifesting the heart’s true content. Through the letting go of untruths, we clear the channel for pure love to flow through and into our physical reality.

Belief then becomes knowing. Knowing thoughts generate energetic and physical harmony. Harmony is the next stage of our human evolution.

Meditate, meditate, meditate, and all will be well, within and without.

Intent on Knowing,


Chuck’s Place: The Energy of Now

Viral energy of now…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Body and mind are inextricably linked in our human sojourn. The physical condition of our world is reflected in our collective mental process.

Most pressing, currently, in our physical world, is the impact of a virus on human civilization. Most dominant on the mental plane are an infusion of viral beliefs, currently challenging a cohesive collective agreement on what is reality.

As the physical virus mutates and remains energetically viable, so do the action and energy of viral beliefs that overshadow human thought and relationships. Human efforts to vaccinate and subdue the power of the virus are equally reflected in highly charged emotional efforts, as humans of opposing beliefs seek to reach cohesion via heated persuasive argumentation, a largely futile effort to convert each other.

The backdrop of our current energetic collisions is an energy poised to affect change. The virus clearly seeks to affect major modifications in human behavior. Certainly, the ruling practices of humankind are in need of update to continue supporting life on the planet. Competing, emotionally-charged, clashing beliefs are equally determined to restructure human thought and behavior. 

The repetitiveness of human behavior is a slow yet significant technology for evolutionary change. Repetition ultimately accrues to boredom that then sets the stage for a breakthrough of a volatile energy that breaks down the familiar, as it seeks fundamental change. The physical and mental viruses of now are composed of a revolutionary energy so powerful as to hasten this change process and set the stage for a new way of life.

To be alive at this time, in this world, suggests a readiness to participate in such monumental change. Beyond the outer challenge of navigating the viruses amongst us, is the opportunity for great change within the self. The energy of now insists that we examine our core beliefs and open to greater perspectives and possibilities than we’ve previously known.

To be alive in this energy matrix portends great opportunity to change life patterns that have dominated thinking and living, up to this current moment. The seduction to battle for needed change in the outer world exclusively, is to forego a great opportunity for evolution of the Spirit in its journey in infinity.

Take full advantage of the energy of now to achieve full transparency of self, to self, and make needed adjustments on the path of fulfillment.

Energetically yours,


Chuck’s Place: Self-Psychokinesis

Energy in motion…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

Psyche is the mind, a producer of thought. Kinetic energy is energy in motion. Psychokinesis is the intentional use of thought to influence physical matter.

When we have a thought, our mind entertains it as a solid unit. When that thought is imbued with the intention of emotional energy, it assumes a wavelength form, that flows beyond the mind and body and is sent out to the universe-at-large, or to a specific person or object, who may be impacted by its energetic charge.

What we commonly call a synchronicity—thinking of someone just prior to them calling, for instance—is actually an example of unintentional psychokinesis. That person’s thought of contacting us assumed its wavelength form, with its energy reaching our attention before it fully materialized in the actual call.

When the emotion of intention is applied to thought, its wavelength impact can be quite impressive, as is evident in intended remote healings and casino winnings. Recognizing the power of collective intent, many organizations, such as The Monroe Institute, organize virtual gatherings for individuals to join their healing intent for the greater good of the world.

The power to influence the material world via mental intent extends to one’s own physical body. The body is governed by complex evolutionary programs garnered over the vast past of human history. These programs operate autonomously, through the subconscious mind, with little need for conscious input to function.

So evident and uniform are the unfolding of these programs that few question their unalterable validity, nor their inability to be impacted by conscious intent. Thus, for instance, most people assume that the diseases and physical challenges typical of old age are inevitable facts. These beliefs become reinforcing thoughts to the unchecked tendency of these physical programs to automatically unfold throughout the life cycle.

These beliefs are further reinforced by the institutions that support human life, such as the medical system that predicts and diagnoses, based upon the uniform findings of science, which bases its knowledge upon the study of the inherent programs in nature. Conscious intent is not seriously considered as a factor capable of influencing the natural programs in the human body.

However, as the placebo effect aptly attests to, what we believe—that is, our thought in wavelength energetic form—can vastly change the condition of the matter, the physical stuff, of our body. However, to achieve actual results, we must truly believe that anything is possible.

If we can accept the hypothesis that something is possible until proven otherwise, we can allow our thoughts, imbued with the kinetic energy of intention, to target a change in our physical body. Thus, freed of limiting beliefs, our thoughts assume their energetic wavelength form, that can solicit a potential resonant body program, to activate and effect the desired bodily change.

The program activated would be a potential for a change in the body that would not have automatically happened without the suggestive impact of the psychokinetic intent. Evolutionary programs, though capable of innovation, are slow to change. The impact of consciousness upon these programs speeds up adaptive change.

The crux of believing is the ability to suspend judgment. Judgments merely mimic the collective consensus, which is derived from nature’s automatic programs. By suspending judgment, the true scientist puts these natural prejudices on the shelf and finds out what actually might be possible. We can all be that scientist in relation to our own bodies via the thoughts we intend for it.

What can undermine these psychokinetic intentions are pre-existing hidden intentions that, in fact, remain attached to current body conditions for defensive purposes. For instance, if one moved beyond a body limitation, one might be challenged to enter a life one longed for but was also terrified of approaching.

This hidden intention cancels the energy of the conscious positive wavelength intention, and the result is that nothing changes. What’s more, one’s conscious ego can become demoralized in feelings of powerlessness and failure, further reinforcing blocking beliefs. One must find the courage to acknowledge the existence and function of these blocking intentions to successfully mitigate their resistance to change.

Sometimes, blocking intentions result from punishment for felt transgressions to immediate or remote ancestry. To move beyond the limitations of one’s family history can feel like disloyalty or survival guilt. In these instances, reframing one’s intentions, as healing to one’s ancestral line, can aid in the release of ancestral limitation, dysfunction and disease.

Once one has cleared oneself of hidden blocking beliefs, one is freed to practice self-psychokinesis with conscious intent.

Allow oneself to visualize intended change, aided by clearly worded description. Access the kinetic energy of self love, and combine it with one’s intention for change. This energized wavelength of energy is freed to do its magic. See what happens! But again, no attachment to the outcome. Suspend judgment and let the games begin!

Intending the greater good, within and without,
