Chuck’s Place: The Desire Body

Is your spirit hiding from life?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

As the world is roused from its global pandemic pause, it must confront the intensity of demand it receives from its very pregnant desire body. The restraint imposed upon that desire body has, for some, resulted in a refinement of spirit, as sacrifice has opened the door to calm and connection at an ethereal level.

For others, the hunger for life in the dense physical plane has thrown caution to the wind, as they reengage the Earth, and enjoy the fullness of her physical bounty.

Both attitudes reflect the journey of spirit. The big bang of the esoteric world begins with the One, that is, the wholeness of everything, deciding to manifest, fragmenting into the many in this world of time and space. The One chooses this diaspora to get to know itself in a finite drama.

All humans are parts of the One, launched to Earth to have a lifetime of experience and to offer the results of that life experience in the form of a life review or completed recapitulation at the conclusion of life in human form. This contributes to the One growing in knowledge of itself.

Thus the journey of spirit initiates from the One, as the many travel through increasingly dense dimensions of expression until they reach the shores of physical manifestation, at birth. The subtle dimension, just prior to the physical, is called the astral plane, the home of the desire body.

The function of the desire body is to attract the incoming spirit to involvement with the physical body through primal animal drives, emotions, and sensations. The desire body engages the physical world in life. Life in time and space ends, however. Thus, the journey of spirit, that once leaped into involvement in physical life, must ultimately reverse course, as it resumes its spirit journey back to its source, the One.

To achieve the necessary lightness of spirit for the journey back to source, spirit must become quite subtle, shedding all of its denser attachments. We can call this a Buddhic maturity that no longer bites at the showcase of desire, as presented by Maya, the weaver of projected illusion on the astral plane. Disciplined spiritual traditions capitalize on sacrificial practices to dispel these attachments in order to reach the higher spiritual planes.

However, if one has not fully seeded one’s spirit in the fertile soil of this Earth, one may be checkmating one’s spiritual evolution. To refuse desire before one has allowed for the actual experience of desire, is to hold back life.  This would be a life in-body where spirit remains, at least in part, out-of-body. The challenge at this stage is to let go and fully enter life in the body, with all its vicissitudes.

For others, life becomes frozen in a round of repetitive habits where the desire body continues to rule the personality at the densest level. Here the challenge is to repeat every day the same regretted habits until one is satiated to completion, or finally ready to let go to sacrifice.

What is sacrificed is attachment to the lower instincts for the benefit of the higher. The higher is the subtle spirit, reached through the shedding of physical attachments. This is energy redeployed to the benefit of the energy body’s evolution in its journey of spirit.

Sacrifice is critical to obtain the energy for this journey. But sacrifice can only be initiated by the will. To obtain true transmutation of energy, one needs the support of one’s highest self, who sees through the veils of illusion and can provide direction on one’s path of heart.

Finally, there are spirits who both see the necessity of, and are ready to evolve their desire body while in dense physical form. Those are the leaders who will square with and spiritually raise humankind’s current relationship with the  Earth.

Thus, the many—all who inhabit the Earth at this time—find themselves at different stages of their spirit journeys. With equanimity, we must grant all their place in the Oneness of this current drama. This is acceptance, not resignation.

We don’t know how this drama will unfold. Perhaps there is a preponderance of desire body energy waiting to ravage the Earth. We don’t know the karma of that action; we simply observe that it appears unstoppable and must be played out. As a conglomerate, we may not yet be ready for the global sacrifice needed to sustain the Earth.

Perhaps the pause has already manifested a different karma. Perhaps the transmuted energies of a significant many will no longer fund attachment to desire in an old way. Perhaps that intent has been deeply seeded with this pause. We must wait to see how it unfolds.

Avoid judgment. We are all in this together, the many of the One. Where we take this drama is our offering to the One getting to know itself in a particular constellation.

We can’t go wrong as we complete this finite chapter of infinite knowing. Whether coming in or moving up, be sure to follow the bliss of your own spirit!

Sending love and support,


Soulbyte for Tuesday May 19, 2020

Each day is a brand new day, if you make it so. By your own volition, by the power within you, grab hold of your dreams and enact them in every step you take, in every thought you conjure, in every breath you take. Set your intent and do not forget it. Let it be your roadmap, and ask your spirit to be your compass. With such preparation nothing will thwart your progress, for you and your spirit are a powerful duo. Your intent is strong and your spirit is stronger. Remember this as you take your next step on your path with heart, the only path worth taking. Bon Voyage!

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 18, 2020

A warrior guards against impulse. Nothing is undertaken without first consulting spirit and waiting patiently for signs pointing to the direction in which a warrior moves next. Action is critical to a warrior, but only right action, and right action comes from spirit. A warrior tames impulses while simultaneously looking, looking, vigorously, all attention focused on discovering the next step. A warrior is attuned, within and without, to spirit’s guidance so that every step is a step upon a path with heart. If there is a failure, a warrior does not blame, bemoan, or regret but immediately and with renewed vigor returns to the path of heart, the only journey worth taking.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 15, 2020

Each morning upon waking, reset your intent. Put your foot down upon your path of heart and remind yourself of the goals of your spirit: to grow and evolve, to accept life and its vicissitudes, and to face your fears and your disappointments with equal vitality and purpose. Life does not wait for you to show up each day, nor does it expect anything of you, but your spirit does, for it is your spirit that drives and motivates you. Life is merely the stage upon which your spirit plays out its constant attempts to get your attention. Give your spirit its due. Pay attention to it and, with awareness, find out what it wants from you, for it is your everything, seeking always to set you right, to teach you, and to help you find again your path with heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 14, 2020

Each day offers new opportunities. Today is no exception. You have the power within you to grab onto that opportunity, to create something, make something, be something new. With opportunity comes change and growth. You have the power within you, in new expressions of creative energy, to bring something to life, even if it is only in a whisper. Make that whisper the most beautiful and positive word you have ever spoken. Even if it is only one word, let it be “love,” the most powerful word there is. Let there be love today.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne