Soulbyte for Tuesday July 16, 2019

Share the bounty. The desire for more, to accumulate merely to own, leads to imbalance. Instead, seek balance and modesty. Become a steward of the small and doable rather than seeking to possess for possession’s sake alone. There is no need for more than you can handle. In humble living comes satisfaction. In caring for little arrives abundance of pleasure. In having only what you need comes the energy to steward properly and with delight. Seek balance in everything you strive for, and maintain your little plot of the world, your place in it, so that all may enjoy the same pleasures as you yourself seek. To be in the Tao is to be right with everything, no matter the circumstances. Strive for that, to be right with what is, in each moment. And live with loving kindness for all beings in your heart. That is how to experience true joy and contentment.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Protect Yourself

Nature provides protection, such as the furriness of a peach…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeling this week we are advised to protect our energy from outside influences. It’s an especially appropriate message as the energy builds to a full moon tomorrow. Full moon energy can be very powerful, keeping us awake at night, leaving our energy depleted during the day, sending us to influential highs and devastating lows. Rather than getting attached to too much of the extremes, seek balance and stability instead by protecting your energy.

And have a wonderful week too!

Soulbyte for Monday July 15, 2019

Take time each day to reset, to reassert and restate your intentions, your goals, your dreams, and to remind yourself that you are a being on a journey of importance to you and your Soul, that your choices and decisions matter, and to make choices and decisions that are progressive, positive, and body and Soul enhancing. In this manner, move forward on your path of heart confident that although you may not know where you are or why you are there in this moment, in the long run you know that your heart is leading you in the right direction, for your heart does only that which is right. Trust your heart. Though you may feel blind and disoriented, though you may feel lost and distant, though your heart’s intent may still seem like a distant dream, keep it alive, for it is the dream that is important. Remain confident of this. Keep to your path of heart, knowing that in the end it will bring you to your heart’s fulfillment.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday July 12, 2019

Don’t be so hard on yourself, but do step up to the task that is your life. No one said it would be easy. Life is for learning, after all, and the lessons of each life must be encountered until they are grasped and assimilated. It can take years to learn something, especially if one is resistant. The key is to become conscious of what you are supposed to be learning in your present life. Forget about past lives. What is the most important issue now, the core thing that drives you and matters most to you? Find it in your heart and as you seek your path of heart, for it will not let you go until you acknowledge it and attend to it. Your path of heart is your true path, the one that pulls you back again and again. You make it harder on yourself when you resist it, but it will not ease up until you finally acquiesce to the truth of it. Only then will you find the ease you seek, in alignment with your heart’s truth. And only then will your dreams come true, for a path of heart is the path of dream fulfillment.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 11, 2019

After times of darkness come times of light. After a storm comes the calm. After night comes the day. Such is nature, such is the natural progression of all things. What goes up must come down; one extreme will automatically and naturally seek balance in its opposite. It’s only a matter of time before things right themselves, before loving kindness and compassion return to the planet, before all beings will be protected, respected, and valued equally. Much is already stirring in that direction. Stay in alignment with its certainty, with what is right. As things change rapidly now, know that the right direction will eventually assert itself. But no matter what happens in the short run, remain the loving being that you truly are.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne