Soulbyte for Wednesday October 17, 2018

Embrace your physical self and love yourself for all your human frailties, your stupidities, your fears, and especially your lack of trust in a higher purpose and higher guidance. You are perfect as a human physical being, doing all the things humans do, and yet all of those human physical things are just the beginning of who you are, for you are so much more than that. Explore your greater self, your eternal self, your spirit self, even as you let your physical self teach you what you are done with, what you can let go of, and what you still need for a while longer. As you begin to understand your two selves more fully turn to your spirit self more often and ask for guidance. Learn to trust it by trying it on, by asking for proof, for help, for something special, and seeing what happens. The physical body is just the beginning of who you are. There really is so much more!

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 16, 2018

Peel back the covering that now protects you, the coat of armor you wear to protect yourself from what you fear. Like a warrior intent upon winning a battle, face your fears head on and get to know them intimately, without your normal protections. Know them fully, master them, and be done with them. In this manner, free yourself to fully live a life of calmness and peace, without fear constantly calling you back to old places and old worries. Without blame and shame about the past, your fear shed like an old coat, you will discover that there is no need for a new coat of protection, for nothing will cause your strong warrior self to fear again. That will have been conquered, and the only thing left to conquer will be your eager curiosity about life to come.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: The Power Within

We’re all just energy beings…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are instructed to get into alignment with what we all truly are: energy. A different perspective on what this all means is presented, equally challenging and freeing.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and energetically fulfilling week!

Soulbyte for Monday October 15, 2018

Protect yourself from yourself. Keep your energy safe from your own thoughts, fears, worries, and ideas. Notice what you tell yourself first thing when you wake up and how it effects you. Notice what you refuse to consider, what you dare not trust, and what you decide to latch onto as your truths. Perhaps you’re getting something wrong this time. You might even be your own worst enemy. Negative thoughts manifest, just as positive ones do. Are your thoughts too negative? Is your energy suffering because of this? Are those around you suffering because of these thoughts too? A simple switch, a trick of the imagination, a refusal to think in a certain direction may be all you need to free yourself, body, mind, and spirit. Remember, you are energy, pure vibration, and as energy you are fluid, except when thoughts slow down your energy and manifest in solid blockages. Keep your energy fluid in all you think. Manifest an open flow of energy. Imagine yourself as a stream or river, a gentle breeze, a butterfly or bird on the wing, and in this manner keep your energy safe and healthy, alive and flowing, in perfect harmonic vibration,  within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 12, 2018

Breathe in the love that surrounds you so that you may have peace of mind. Breathe in the love that surrounds you so that you may have stillness within, so that you may have healing of all kinds, so that you may experience all that is. Breathe in the love that surrounds you and let it quiet your thoughts, soothe what perplexes you, take your pain, and make you whole. Breathe in the love that surrounds you and know its true meaning, that you too are fully loved and capable of loving. Yes, you. Breathe in the love that surrounds you and let it fill you. Let love find you and become you in every breath you take. Breathe it in and then also breathe it out. Become love in every breath you take. Breathe love.

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne