Soulbyte for Tuesday October 2, 2018

Protect yourself from that which drains your energy. Embrace that which enhances your energy. Certain things you do have been telling you for a long time that they are not good for you. You know what they are and yet you continue to do them. When you are finally ready to let them go, do so with gratitude for their having taught you something and for having advanced you to a new stage where you can be without them. Notice what is good for your energy and use it wisely so that it does not just become another energy drain, for even a good thing is not good in too much measure. Seek balance in all things, within and without, so that nothing is denied if it is necessary, and nothing is overly done if it is not really needed. Have that which is good for you in good measure and have not that which is detrimental. It can take a lifetime to work this out, but it is work well worth doing!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Let The Love Energy In

Let your heart glow with the light of love…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Good morning! Here is our audio channeling for this week. May we all partake in stirring up the love energy that Jeanne speaks of in today’s channeled message. Breathe it in and breathe it out; it can be as simple as that!

Love to all!

Soulbyte for Monday October 1, 2018

Tune in to a little love for yourself, even as you face yourself now in your daily life’s unfolding and as you face who you have been and what you have done in the past. With love carve out your future and with love carve into your memories knowing that it is only by loving yourself that you will evolve. Loving the self means accepting the self as you are, imperfect and yet perfect in your imperfections. Loving the self means accepting the loving energy that freely flows through the universe and through you too. Let it in. Let this love be your guide. Let every breath be a loving breath.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne