Tag Archives: world events

Chuck’s Place: From The Impossible to The Astral to The Inevitable Dream Of Now

Peace will come…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

As a child, I figured out how to play The Impossible Dream on the piano. It  moved me deeply and I played it for years. In retrospect, I see my young self reaching for my Soul, as expressed in its lyrics: “This is my quest, to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far…”

That Aquarian star first landed for me when the Beatles performed on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964. On that Sunday evening I caught the disease of the love generation, a disease I’ve never been cured of. Like Melanie, who just left us, I still believe, “there’s a chance peace will come in your life…”

The impossible dream actually  preceded the 1960’s, in the idealistic post WW2  decisions to create a just world. The creation of the state of Israel was one such decision. Ultimately, as don Juan Matus pointed out to Carlos Castaneda, the White House became “the site of power of today’s world, the center of all our endeavors, hopes, fears…”*

The impossibility of all these dreams is their underappreciation of their shadows. For the Middle East, there has always been the shadow of the displaced Palestinians. For America, despite its stated heart-centered spiritual values, its bulging shadow of greed and self-interest has fully broken through its polished veneer, unabashedly threatening to bring down civilization itself.

Beyond the ego and the shadow of the individual, and civilization itself, lies the power of the astral world, the subtle plane that first houses souls who have shifted out of physical life. In the recapitulation of their physical lives, from that plane, many souls seek interaction with the living to satisfy the unanswered, unredeemed and unresolved issues of their lives. Those unrealized dreams from the astral plane interact with, and influence, current life on the physical plane.

Jung, in his soul retrieval journey, as documented in The Red Book, was forced into interaction with departed souls seeking answers. Jung opens his First Sermon to The Dead with these words: “The dead came back from Jerusalem, where they found not what they sought. They prayed me let them in and besought my word, and thus I began my teaching.”**

The heightened clinical interest today in Family Constellations, as developed by Mark Hellinger, has its roots in tapping the living connection between those in human form with ancestors living in the astral planes and beyond.

The focus of these constellations addresses both receiving support and guidance from the ancestors, through channeled group experiences, as well as healing of ancestral trauma by those in the lineage still extant in human form. Current humanly-experienced diseases might have their origin in ancestral trauma needing resolution on the human playing field.

Collective ancestral trauma, like that experienced during the Holocaust, moves en masse into the astral plane, where it casts a huge shadow upon  human interaction and unsettledness. The ideologies defeated in WW2 also took up residence in the astral plane, where they too continue to seek expression and redemption on the human playing field.

Despite the positive intent of impossible dreams to bring balance, healing and wholeness to the world, the shadow of self-interest, over the needs of all others, haunts human resolution. This, coupled with the impact of deeper unresolved issues of human ancestry, leads us to our present, inevitable dream of now.

Cherokee commentator, Joyce Sequichie Hifler, observes: “Peace at any price is not peace. Sooner or later those who have no honor will find another way to break the treaty.”*** How obvious this became in the attempts to appease Hitler’s expansionist dreams, before and during WW2. Consider the influences of these astral forces on the expansionist impulses in the inevitable dream active on the present world stage.

The evidence of astral influence is apparent in the trancelike state of many humans, seemingly controlled by hypnotic suggestion of illusions that defy obvious factual truth. With regard to interactions with those such afflicted, Hifler goes on to suggest: “Tread water when necessary, avoid confrontation with those who love turmoil, and never be so self- sufficient as to not be able to say an honest prayer when needed. Cultivate peace, but do not give in to darkness.”*

The inevitable dream is the combined constellation of present human and astral turmoil. It is our responsibility to self, other, and ancestor to resolve, head-on, the questions put before us. Can we, as a species, advance to the heart chakra, where we will inhabit the truth, and honor the rights and needs of all? Or will we choose to remain on the cutthroat battlefield of competitive self-interest, where winner takes all?

The uniqueness of now is the inevitability of this dream to play itself out with maximum drama and consequence. The opportunity of now is to humanly choose an outcome that defies the catharsis of conflagration and instead advances the greater good. Human history and human evolution have gifted us the ability to choose. It’s our evolutionary moment to choose wisely.

Don Juan Matus stated that what we believe to be choice is really ego acquiescing to Spirit; that is, doing the right thing. All things must be lived, but all things must  pass.

Yes, Melanie, I honor your impossible dream that peace will come in your life. That dream becomes possible as we seek conscious solution to our inevitably constellated dream of now. Let’s complete it and, regardless of outcome, be of good cheer.

Consciously choosing,

*Magical Passes, Carlos Castaneda, p. 37-38
** Memories, Dreams, Reflections, C. G. Jung, p. 78
***Quotes by Joyce Sequichie Hifler from A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II, p. 28.

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 13, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Though nature wages war in its own way, making way for change, for evolution, for transformation, opening the pathways to what naturally comes next, war created and waged by human beings is another story. Where enemies are created, where hatred grows, where change is forced, only chaos ensues. There is no natural energy of change attached to the wages of war; there are only consequences that will prevail and be felt worldwide. May peace and good will prevail. May the silence of night lay across the world its calm hope. May peace and good will prevail.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Go Deeper Into Calm

Nestle in calmness…
– Photo by J. E. Ketchel

The mass shootings of now grate upon our collective heart, nerves and gut, agitating our intent for calm and spiritual advancement in ourselves and our world. Our reactions range from outrage to utter despondency, true depression of spirit.

In the midst of WWI, in 1915, psychic researcher Frederic Myers, who had physically died in 1901, channelled to Juliet Goodenow the following perspective on the forces at play in the Great War, from his removed subtle perch in the next dimension:

“Germany is suffering today, in consequence of her having accepted as truth the writings of misguided theorists, involving the world in a conflict of opinion. Materialists have accomplished this tragic result through the materialistic belief of the nation… Nations that overdevelop materialistic ideas lose the necessary spiritual balance to retain sufficient equilibrium.” (Letters to Juliet: Is there Life after Death? p. 18)

Certainly, if we fast-forward to WWII, Germany fully materialized its theories of human perfection through actualizing laboratory procedures of purification via human extinction. The Holocaust became the ultimate material realization of misguided and misapplied spirit.

The passion of misguided beliefs achieving materialization are the tragic sparks we witness daily on our current world stage. The equilibrium we require for stability is extremely tenuous. How might an individual, but a cell of this living world soul, contribute to needed balance, both within and without?

All have direct access to the inner workings of their central nervous system. The subtlest thought or vibration registers in the nerves of the body, activating automatic reactions and responses. The speed and network of this subconscious activity is far more rapid than the deliberate analytic workings of the conscious mind.

As a result of these hidden mind/body processes, we might find ourselves seized with passion, or equally mired in sullen mood for unseen or unreflected reasons. These unconscious operations take hold of our state of physical charge and swoosh us along like dried leaves in a powerful wind. Collectively these winds generate the human clashes of now.

True, there are forces, seen and unseen, that strategically seek to provoke such disarray; all are not the meeting of non-premeditated intents. However, intended or random, we, as individuals, have the power to assume control of our central nervous systems.

In fact, this is critical to our greatest challenge in life, as we all must release our physical bodies at our time of death. Critical to optimal transition is the ability to completely relax, let go, and go with the flow of body to spirit. Resistance or refusal at this stage fixates one’s journey in an alternative illusory life, necessary to be completed before the real journey can be successfully resumed.

Thus, now, while fully alive as souls in physical body partnership, through focus upon our physical body, which constantly registers and reacts to spirit commands—conscious and unconscious—we can deepen our spirit’s calm and take command of our soul’s journey in this life and beyond.

The practice is quite simple, yet like all skills of value, requires patience and perseverance for optimal development. We begin by turning our awareness, which is a function of our spirit, to the state of tension in the physical body. We will notice if our heart rate is elevated, if our jaws are clenched, if our breathing is restricted, if our throats are constricted, if our belly is tight, if our perineum is tense, if pain or numbness is registering in some organ or appendage of the body.

With conviction and intention, we suggest to the body to go deeper into calm as we consciously release the tension in the body, taking it down a notch in calmness. With our breath in exhalation, we ask the body to take it down to another level of calm. We repeat this several times, as we reset and take command of the state of relaxation in the body.

Notice how another spirit, the internal dialogue, begins to initiate its interpretations, judgments, negative beliefs and stories, and how they stir the body to resume a tense state. Don’t engage in arguing with this cognitive activity. Instead, use it as a trigger to go deeper into calm.

In fact, begin to use all explosions of emotion and physical threat as triggers to go deeper into calm. Fear not that this will ill-prepare you to respond to danger. Every seasoned martial artist knows that the best strategy for encounter is the clarity afforded by deep calm. Certainly, the greatest opponent of all, death itself, is best managed in utter calm.

From the place of deep calm, you contribute calm and clarity to the collective world’s nervous system, contributing soothing balance to stabilize it in such tumultuous times.

Regardless of eruption upon the planetary surface, go deeper into calm. This is the Spirit that will materialize true equilibrium in our world. 

Go deeper into calm,


Chuck’s Place: Extraverted Meditation

Buddha sending out the right vibration…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

At first glance, the title, Extraverted Meditation, would appear to be a contradiction in terms. Typically, extraversion is understood as an individual’s dominant orientation to focus on the outside world, particularly as pertains to relationships and the opinions of others. In contrast, meditation is generally viewed as an introverted practice that deeply withdraws from the sensations and influences of the outer world.

In Jung’s time, when East truly began to meet West, particularly as regards spiritual practice, he warned that the extraverted orientation of the Western psyche was ill-suited for rapid wholesale adoption of Eastern meditation practices. Nonetheless, as he himself encountered the depths of the collective unconscious, in the visions and active imagination he documents in The Red Book, he practiced yogic asanas to ground his ego.

In fact, despite the almost total focus on the brain of modern Western psychological research, the bottomline focus and interventions prescribed by most Western therapists come straight out of Tibetan mindfulness and Yogic meditation practices.

These are the assignments given to ego to still the central nervous system into a state of calm. Nonetheless, the reigning mantra and New Year’s resolution from most people is, “I have to get back to my meditation.”

The power of outer world events, particularly in the time we are in, is impossible and perhaps inadvisable to fully screen from one’s attention. This, coupled with the dominant extraverted orientation of Western civilization, undermines the coveted but under-practiced aspiration to meditate. How can the Western psyche, perhaps even the world psyche, adapt the powerfully beneficial practice of meditation in the flux of such an unsettled outer world?

The key, as in all meditation, is to begin with focus on the body. If the goal of meditation is detachment from the ill effects of outer world sensory impressions upon the sanctity of the self, the body can be seen as the central registry of all sensory inputs.

All of our senses receive input through the physical body. Our thoughts, with their associated emotions, register in the body as well. Thus, active inner attention to the body in outer activity and interaction is a valid playing field for meditation.

Place the index finger of one hand upon the wrist of the other hand. Keep awareness upon the index finger experiencing the sensations within itself as it meets the solid boundary of the wrist. Notice the vibration of touch.

Shift awareness exclusively to the wrist. Notice its sensations of being touched. Feel the vibration of being touched. Alternate awareness slowly from toucher to touched. Now, allow these two distinct perspectives of touch to merge into a single vibratory union of touch, union of self.

Carry awareness of body into the world. Open to an image in the media. Notice its vibration; study its energy. Shift awareness to the body. Notice its impact upon the heart, upon the muscles, upon the breath. With awareness, restore the body’s organs to calm. Release all clenching; intend deep peace. Embrace the integrity of self in calm vibration.

Return gaze to the outer image, notice its vibration, its intent. Return awareness to the body. Notice any impact of image upon inner vibration. Restore the integrity of calm vibration. Repeat dual attention until outer image is completely neutralized, your inner vibration a steady flame.

Interact with the world. Notice the impact on the body in encounter with other. Use awareness to calm the heart, unclench the muscles, and silence the mind. The mind is silenced with awareness focused on body sensation, intended to calm.

Notice the words, the emotional intensity, the intent of the other. See the vibration of the other’s motive. Notice the inner impact of that vibration upon one’s body. Choose to maintain one’s inner vibration of calm. Use the breath to steady the body. Use intent to maintain inner calm, with attention given to where the body feels impacted. Dissolve into love of the oneness of everything.

These are some suggestions for extraverted meditation. Allow every moment, whether innerly or outerly focused, to become a meditative opportunity. Gradually expand the oneness of self with the oneness of everything. “Got to keep those vibrations, vibrations a happening to me…”

Good good good, good vibrations!


Check out Brian Wilson’s live enhanced Good Vibrations from his album Smile. Notice the South African insert.


Soulbyte for Monday September 25, 2017

With all your power send greetings of loving kindness around the world. Block words of hate with words of love and compassion, sending them reverberating around the globe on the wings of your intent. Beat drums of peaceful calmness and sing a heartfelt tune and with all your might spread love and peace, not hate and war. Pray for a peaceful outcome.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne