Tag Archives: wisdom of the heart

Soulbyte for Friday August 9, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Pray for peace in whatever way suits you. Pray for change that is good for all, for the Earth as well as all of its inhabitants. Pray that poverty may turn to plenty, that war may cease, that famine may be met with food enough for all. There is no end to praying, you may say, but keep in mind that all prayers are heard and all prayers are responded to in some way. Life’s lessons, however, cannot be erased but must be tackled, and sometimes prayers are not the answer. Sometimes the action of change is the only answer that will resolve the issues that need resolution. Sometimes action is the right answer, just as sometimes patient waiting is the right answer. To know what to do when is the mark of wisdom and insight. Pray for that.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 25, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

When doubt strikes turn inward to the heart and ask it for guidance. Turn from the doubting mind to the knowing heart and let it strike doubt away with its profound knowledge, intuition, and unbending intent. The mind conjures all kinds of enticements, as well as doubt and fear, but the true and honest heart will not fail to observe and report to you in all honesty. When in doubt there is no greater ally than going to the heart of the matter and waiting patiently for guidance.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 18, 2022

You do not rely enough on the wisdom of your heart, which is connected to the greater whole and its wisdom. You tend to want to think things out rather than feel what is already known within you. It does not matter who is right but what is right, not who knows what facts but the greater knowledge that the heart knows. Tune into the wisdom and knowledge that is innately yours, the wisdom and knowledge of the discerning heart, and learn to trust it more often in your everyday life. You won’t regret it.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 3, 2020

A mature heart understands that everything is meaningful, that everything is but energy and thus everything exists at all times. Love exists at all times. Love is infinite energy and thus there is no loss or lack of love. That which is unseen is love without form and the heart feels such love, infinite and strong. Let love be your guide, your heart your place of knowing, and infinity your place of wisdom and all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 18, 2020

Let not fear rule nor worry usurp your heart centered focus, but use your breath to bring you back to stability and balance, within and without. In balance find your center of knowing, the wisdom within yourself that is connected to the greater wisdom outside of yourself and let this be your guide. Rather than pay attention to the racket inside your head, pay attention to the songs your heart sings of love and kindness and compassion for all. When all else fails, turn to the wisdom of the heart and let it sing its songs of beauty, peace, and love. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne