Watch your energy, how you expend it and how you accumulate it. Watch how you let it fritter away in useless activity rather than honing it for use in spiritual matters. A warrior seeks always to hone energy, to explore in dreaming in order to more fully understand the capabilities of the spirit, the human energy body, as it is also known. Once out of the human body it is pure energy, or spirit if you like, a point of awareness, consciousness, and this is what a warrior seeks to fully know, understand, and hone, through experiences, so that there are no suprises in both waking and dreaming life, and so that full consciousness is part of everyday life. This is the warrior’s way. It’s never too later to begin honing and exploring. A warrior knows this, and so a warrior never gives up.
The world has “Zoomed” into a virtual habitat of connection. With the physical world on lockdown the human spirit has found its way to energetic community and heart-centered connection.
The technological infrastructure is well advanced to support our necessary journey into virtual reality. However, it has the physical limitation of requiring electricity and machinery to maintain connection.
The ideal energetic connection would shed this physical dependence through the medium of the energy body.
In his out-of-body journeys into the future, Robert Monroe experienced a future time on Earth where human beings lived dominantly in their energy bodies. Their physical bodies were kept securely safe, to be worn like costumes, only occasionally, like we now do at a halloween celebration.
This evolutionary transition into energetic life is our human Spirit’s manifest destiny. Spirit prefers the largesse of infinity to the confinement of limits. The human Spirit is at the gateway to expanded possibility.
Actually, this is likely the same for the Spirit in all beings, human or otherwise. In a dreamscape the other night, I encountered a bug that had invaded my living space. Not wanting to kill the intruder I sought to return it to its natural habitat. I discovered there to be a shallow pond where others of its kind were swimming about.
After returning to its home it immediately climbed out, letting me know that it was moving on to new adventures, beyond the comfort of its known world. Spirit likes comfort but ultimately tires of the familiar. The heart of all addiction is Spirit seeking more, whether it be through substance, materialism, or daring leaps of faith.
Our planet Earth has given herself freely to the insatiable human Spirit. The resources of her body have been the building blocks of our Spirit’s expansive hunger. Her body can no longer surrender itself to our excessive demands, and she knows it’s time for us to let go of our dependence upon her physical bounty and move on to discover our energetic potential.
The basics of this energetic transition begin with dreaming. Dreaming is where the energy body is fully active. The task is to bring waking awareness into the dream space. Though there are many techniques to achieve this, the simplest is through intent.
Don Juan Matus said we reach intent through intending.
State: I intend to remember my dreams. I intend to remain aware when I dream. I intend to journey out-of-body. I intend to meet such-and-such in dreaming. I intend to explore the moon in dreaming. The possibilities are endless. The key here is gentle, patient persistence.
Know that your intent will be realized because we all have an energy body awaiting waking consciousness for direction. Keep your intention free of the heaviness of pressure and judgment. The subtle world of energy requires a much lighter touch than the physical world.
Take full advantage of the physical pause of now to begin the energetic discovery of self. It all begins with intent. Intend, and see what happens!
With no ego whatsoever we would simply be pure energy, without a cohesive identity.
Ego is the stamp of our individual personality that marks our unique journey in this life.
Because of ego’s access to awareness, it knows it is a being who must someday die as a human being. How obvious the natural reaction to this fact being ego’s rush to embrace its importance and value, while in this life. This is how ego acquires its negative connotation as ego preoccupied with Ego.
Primary narcissism, Freud’s postulate that ego’s first obsession is with its own self, is ego’s enduring challenge to transcend in this life. For ego to pass through this developmental stage and take in a world greater than itself is a formidable task. Yet, only from this greater perspective can ego grasp the true interconnected reality of the world and position itself appropriately to this broader Self.
Decision making is an ego function. We are beings who must take responsibility for our decisions. It has been my experience that only decisions which align with the truth of Spirit come to manifestation. Actually, I have been aligning with this intent my entire life. Even when the ego has reasonably convinced me of the rightness of an action, it gains no traction in the field of manifestation if it is truly not aligned with Spirit.
“Let go and let God” does not absolve us from actively tracking the design of Spirit and assuming personal responsibility for right action. Right action is ego acting without Ego; ego discerning the synchronicities, the language of Spirit, and acting in consort with the intent of these messages.
Our world is currently on a dramatic pregnant pause. Nature is truly in charge now, though ego clearly has its necessary role. Decisions must be made both by world leaders as well as by individuals. Every individual has the personal responsibility to wash their own hands and face the truth of their own potential contagion.
World leaders are challenged to rise above the local fixation of self-importance and address the true needs of the whole planet. Nature is grooming the ego to take the next developmental step beyond primary narcissism: ego without Ego.
A vast sum of human energy is being stockpiled now, like the current glut of oil, usually spent motorizing the world. This undeployed energy is the currency of our energetic potential. The world’s forced pause is asking ego to ponder its truths.
With our habitual daily behaviors greatly checked, our energetic reserves are growing. For shamans it is energy, and energy alone, that is the key to discovering our energetic potential. Attention withdrawn from a world of objects stirs kundalini, the energy of outer attachment, to awaken to its inner potential.
Take full advantage of this time of solitariness to intend greater access to your fuller energetic potential. Intend your energy body to strengthen its dreaming attention to explore infinity with awareness.
Intend, in dreaming, to travel the world in an instant, flying and discovering in the energy body. Intend the greater good in all worlds, especially the solid world we live in, currently on pregnant pause.
In the outer world of energy consumption, reliance upon fossil fuels is far more of a threat to world survival than a virus. Is our world ego ready to align itself with this truth? What more will the Spirit of Nature need to do to have us act in alignment with this truth?
Pointless to point fingers. Always return to the hologram of self. Take it as a valid hypothesis that those whom you hate the most are mirroring the subterfuge of your own ego’s struggle with Spirit’s intent.
Own your own shadow and reckon with it. It’s not about being good or bad; we all are both, and all must live both. No solace or reconciliation to be found in one-sidedness.
Perfection is incomplete wholeness. Perfection is ego with Ego. Ego in its humbleness can laugh at its own imperfections. Ego that can love can be in full acceptance of everything, yet intend to be impeccable. To be impeccable is to track the designs of Spirit as the overarching intent of a mature ego, an ego without Ego.
Embrace this amazing opportunity we are all being gifted by nature at this time, for ego, without Ego, to discover and journey with Spirit as we manifest a brave new world.
You may be missing all the signs you’ve been asking for, all the answers you seek, unable to read the words of spirit, the language of the Universe. It does not speak in your native tongue, nor in any other human language, but in sign language, using symbols and objects, sound and synchronicity. Look again, perhaps you’ve gotten the answers to your questions, without noticing. When you ask for help, with true need and intent, you will receive. That is certain. But the method of delivery is left up to the whims of spirit!
Think for yourself. Clear your mind of its incessant chatter that tells you this and that and listen to your heart for a new and different perspective. Communicate heart-to-heart with the stars for new words of wisdom, to the moon for knowledge, to the universe for direction. Feel your feet upon the ground and know that you exist in body as much as in spirit and yet let your spirit do your thinking now, for the spirit sees things you cannot imagine. With heart-centeredness let each day unfold in a new way now. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in a new direction, but shore that up with a new way of thinking too. Let the heart speak.