Tag Archives: patient waiting

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 27, 2019

Contrary to popular opinion, it may not always be best to push through every storm, to attack with aggression, or to unconsciously weather through that which blocks the way or presents barriers or interferences. Often a gentler approach, a consciously adopted wait-and-see attitude is the proper method of attack. This does not imply weakness but stresses that often the most hardened attitude is felled not by greater force but only by the unseen forces of love, kindness, and compassion. Sometimes strength should be a last resort. Sometimes the only persuasion needed is the right kind of energy touching at the heart level. Sometimes patient waiting in heart centered energy is the right action, even in the most violent of times. Let heart centered decision making become your own norm so that patient waiting also becomes your norm when right action is called for that is out of the norm. Sometimes doing nothing more than calling upon the energies of good is the best action. From heart to heart, may all find their way to right action that is loving and kind and all-inclusive. And through it all, keep a positive attitude.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Monday February 4, 2019

Wait patiently and clarity will come. Sometimes it is not the time to act. Sometimes it is best to wait patiently, especially in times of deep conflict or indecision. Rather than act harshly, in despair, or out of malice, the best course of action might be patient waiting. Soon clarity will come, or at the very least a new course of action will show itself to be far better than first reactions. This may now be a time of patient waiting if all is to right itself again. Be patient, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 2, 2018

Pace yourself. You’ve only just begun. There’s plenty of time. Let things unfold naturally rather than push with ego intent. Let nature show you how to go about making changes in a positive way. Yes, make your decisions, set your intent, and then be patient as change naturally unfolds, like each petal of a flower unfolds when it is ready. But first, you have to plant the seed, tend it, and lovingly encourage it to grow; first a sprout, then a stem and leaves, and finally a bud will appear before the blossoming can happen. You can’t have the blossom without the necessary early steps of transformation. A blossom without roots and a stem is nothing more than an empty hot air balloon. Without stability there will be no true grounding and your intent will not flourish. Be patient. Blossoming will come when the time is right. Master the first steps and then nurture and wait. Hold your intent on the flower, but do not miss every joyous and necessary step along the way.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 6, 2018

Steer clear of judging others. Hold them in a place of loving kindness in spite of your reservations and in spite of your own convictions. Hold yourself accountable just as you hold others accountable. One way may not be right, but the other may not lead to compassion either. Seek balance in alignment with the truth, with the flow of what truly is. For to rush the river destroys everything for everyone. Supreme patience and patient waiting for change to happen naturally, for all the pieces to fall into place, adds stability to any situation, as does love. In the flow of it all, don’t forget to be loving. It’s the energy most important for now, and forever. Be patiently loving.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 4, 2017

Patient waiting brings rewards not unlike the bounty of those who forge ahead heedlessly but without the painful consequences. Patient waiting is the key to all things desired, for it is in patient waiting that truths are revealed, unfolding in a graspable manner, slowly revealing themselves so that what has been desired is allowed time to mature. And thus, finally, one is also matured and ready to receive, though perhaps the truth is that the object of one’s desire is no longer necessary or wanted. And that is the real beauty of patient waiting, discovering the truth without a lot of heartache. Patient waiting also teachesĀ one of life’s greatest lessons: how to do patient waiting!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne