Tag Archives: one step at a time

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 8, 2019

Let that which is the old path be declared old now, no longer viable. Though the new pathway’s clearing is challenging, let it not overwhelm, for it is now the only way. There is no going back. There is only going forward on the new journey you have selected as your path into new life. Let each day be a day of forging ahead into unknown territory. Like an adventurer, prepare yourself with eagerness, openness, and a bright heart. Let yourself also be innocent and wide eyed as you step out into each new day and declare yourself ready for whatever may come. And indeed, that’s the truth, for you are ready. You have prepared for this moment all the days of your life. This is it. Enjoy the journey, each blessed step of the way. Bon Voyage!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Friday January 4, 2019

Retain connection to that which is most important. Though time slowly passes the need for change does not. Though thoughts intrude and old patterns seek to reestablish themselves, the true needs of the spirit never change. Though your desire body may be weak, your loving heart remains strong. Though your feelings about yourself may fluctuate, keep your intent strong and steady upon the new path of choice, for intent is the food of the SOUL, balance the fodder of the mind, and kindness and compassion feed the heart and strengthen its likelihood of remaining your driving force. Onward, one day at a time, one step at a time, one healing breath at a time. Don’t give up. You are worth it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 21, 2018

Find solace in knowing that every ending is a new beginning, that life flows from life, that one thing leads to another, that one step is followed by the next, that life is a series of steps making a journey, each one as important and significant as the one before and the one yet to come. Get in alignment with the flow of your own life and take the next step on your journey full of awe for how it has unfolded thus far and full of wonder for what comes next. Life is always ready to greet you and welcome you with equal awe and wonder no matter how many steps you have already taken, how many times you have stumbled, or how many new beginnings you’ve been granted. Today is another new day. Another new step, another new beginning, and another new moment of awe has already begun!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne