Tag Archives: nurturance

Soulbyte for Monday October 7, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Take care of yourself the same way you would care for someone else. It’s so easy to make someone else special, to give to another. Why not take some time and give a little to yourself? Most people are not used to giving to themselves. Most people are used to caring for and about others. Take some time to assess your own situation. Are you taking care of yourself in a good way? Are you allowing balance and harmony into your life? Are you holding yourself to good standards of nurturance and care? Think about it and then do the right thing, for you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 15, 2021

You are the source and the light of your own energy. It lies within you, eternal and available. Nurture it, allow it to provide you with the energy, light, and love that you truly are. You are not separate from this eternal source; you are this eternal source. Reconnect with it in every breath you take, in every thought of your spirit self, in every moment you think of love, for love is the energy of this eternal source and that which you are emboldened to embrace and be during all your days. Love is the energy of the eternal source, love is you, love is the answer.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 30, 2020

Take care of the body for it is the only one you get. The spirit is eternal but it too needs care, for it is so often neglected and forgotten, as life in the body dominates. Let the body have its needs in order to survive and thrive, but don’t forget to keep the spirit alive as well, giving it as much attention as the body, keeping it present and active in your life. It needs care and nurturing too, that invisible you that only wants to be known and trusted, for it has treasures to give and wisdom to impart from its eternal home. Ask your spirit to guide you. Learn to trust it, for it holds knowledge for your body as well as your soul. Just ask.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne