Tag Archives: new directions

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 17, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

It is high time to dispense with things that no longer work, to let things go as you turn in a new direction in mind, heart and action. With a unified intent, with your heart focused on a fresher outlook, and with your mind sharp as a tack, look now in the direction of hope, compassion and love for all. With the greater good of self and other uppermost in your intentions, stay the path that will lead in a direction of benefit and possibility for all, no matter what kind of chaos surrounds you. One good heart, one determined mind turned in the direction of good is all you need to see progress.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 3, 2022

Let this New Year be a year of compassion for all creatures, for human beings and animals alike, for those you know and those you don’t know, for those you see and those you don’t see. If you want things to change then change yourself. Small steps to begin with will lead to bigger changes later. Begin the journey of change today by taking the first small step. Let compassion be always with you as your first thought and as your last thought each day and each step of the way into new life.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 14, 2020

It’s never too late to change. No matter your circumstances, your ingrained behaviors, your personal issues, you can always change, take a new direction, find a new path. Let instinct be your guide, honed by spirit, your own inner guide that wishes you only well. Calamity, despair, depression are all calls from your spirit, trying to get your attention, urging you to heed the call. Will you do it this time? Will you give yourself an opportunity to turn your life in a completely new direction? It’s totally up to you. No one else can make that decision for you, but they can certainly offer support and guidance, just as your spirit so desperately wishes to do. Spirit is calling right now. Will you answer? It’s up to you.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Get in Alignment with Your Own Nature

Let the drama begin…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In this week’s audio channeling we are invited to let go of old beliefs and shift in a new direction by taking back responsibility for our own lives, kind of like by writing a new script for ourselves. We are the players in our own life, but we are also the author and the director too, if we care to see it that way!

Have a wonderful, loving week, within and without! 

Soulbyte for Thursday September 6, 2018

Sometimes it’s time to decide that something just isn’t working, that what you thought was the right direction is not. It’s okay to change your mind when something just isn’t right. It’s okay to change direction, to take a new path, but do so with a humble heart, admitting that you got it wrong, and then move on with kindness and compassion rather than with resentment and regret. The truth is that no time has been lost, for in the end great strides have been made, lessons learned, and thus your course of action was beneficial and growth oriented. In the end, as you move on, you will be a better person, more keenly aware of your direction and your purpose in life, having learned a valuable lesson, and that is good!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne