Tag Archives: life as a spiritual journey

Soulbyte for Thursday October 26, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Remain focused on the intent of your spirit. And what is that? It is to grow and evolve through life and interaction, through challenge and defeat, through joy and success. Each day is another opportunity for you and your spirit to grow, and through the challenges that arise, to advance, in both this world and the next. Your job is to stay aligned with that purpose, to learn that you are more than just a human physical being, and to try to remember why you are here. Let your spirit be your guide like never before. Accept this part of yourself, your infinite self, and know that you are always in good hands.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Faith As Creator

Have faith in your suggestions…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Shamans call faith unbending intent. To have total belief, confidence and trust in one’s intent brings it to life. However, without faith, dreams are stillborn.

Christ stated that even he, a great healer, was unable to heal someone who lacked the faith that they could be healed. In this case, not believing it’s possible to be healed becomes one’s inevitable manifested intent.

At an elemental level, quantum physics demonstrates the role of human thought upon physical manifestation. In the famous double-slit experiment, a light is shone through two openings. When unobserved the produced result is a wavelike pattern. Under human observation the same experiment creates a particle pattern. Human thought impacts matter.

Modern consciousness is burdened with a rational bias that dismisses outright a suggestion that does not conform to logic. Rather than adhere to a more scientific stance that holds that anything is possible, until proven otherwise, the tendency is to attach to a blocking belief and dismiss further consideration or experimentation with a possibility deemed to be not rationally possible.

The well-worn adviso, don’t attach to the outcome, or the shamanic dictum, suspend judgment, frees the energy of creation and allows it to run its intended course unimpeded by constricting beliefs. Though we can imagine our intent, and call it forth with words, we need to completely surrender to an aloof, detached tracking of the course that creation will take, accepting the time it will take to manifest.

Our intent is like karma; once established it must be realized. Suppressed intent eventually surfaces. The world is currently grappling with political leaders, attitudes, and issues dating back to WWII. The collective unconscious demands new resolution of perennial conflicts that interfere with achieving a sustainable peace. The world’s collective consciousness must refine its conflicting intent and have total faith in the possibility of peace.

At an individual level, we may hold blocking beliefs in the habitual depths of our personal psyche. Spontaneous comments like: “I’m not worthy; that can’t happen for me,” or “That’s not possible,” might surface from one’s internal dialogue.

Don’t fight with such thoughts. Fighting is attaching, a reinforcer of blocking belief. Alternatively, use the intrusive thought as a trigger to remind oneself that anything is possible, and then restate your intent.

Intent, like hypnotic suggestion is a direct appeal to the subconscious mind, the true mother of creation. Realize, however, that all intent is not necessarily healthy intent nor in alignment with your soul’s true mission in this life. Negative intent, delivered with strong faith, may manifest just as often as positive suggestions. We all must deal with the karmic consequences of our choices and actions.

Doubt can be a blessing to consciousness. It can spur one to refine the appropriateness of one’s intent. The nagual, don Juan Matus, advised that one have a romance with knowledge, engaging thinking and doubt before forming an intent. However, once one has arrived at the appropriate intent, embrace that intent with total faith, with unrelenting, unbending intent.

Some intent may not be fully realized at the human life stage if the timing conflicts with our deepest soul’s intent. In this case, the fuller maturation and completion of the intent will be realized in a future form. Though destiny in human form is unavoidable, this does not void the fact that anything is possible, and that ultimately everything is possible.

Ancillary practices are part of unbending intent. An intent for healing, for instance, is best supported by healthful practices that reflect one’s absolute faith in their ability to fully heal. Attention to deep care and rejuvenation of the body embodies one’s intent to heal, with a powerful suggestion to the subconscious mind. Mental practices that tone the nerves, and transmit calm, deepen the conscious mind’s channel to the receptive subconscious mind.

Find your faith in possibility. And with focused, patient knowing, load your suggestion on the wings of intent. See what happens.

In good faith,

Soulbyte for Friday September 29, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Sit in calmness as often as possible. Breathe. Focus on your heart center and breathe. Slow down everything inside you so that you can feel yourself as a separate and contained being. Let the world outside of you disappear as you breathe, and just be at one with and within yourself. Sitting in heart-centered calmness is the magic pill you don’t even know you need, but it will serve you well to take it as often as you can, for it will not only connect you to yourself, it will also connect you to the divine.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 28, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

You are not just a physical being. Beyond everyday life lies another life, life in the etheric field, the life of spirit. Try to connect with this other self more often, in waking and dreaming, so that you begin to understand the self as more than physical matter. Your dreaming self, for instance, is a real self, a part of you as real as the hand in front of your face, capable of just as much, and more, than your physical self.  Find our who you really are. Meditate to connect with your greater self. Intend to be aware of your dreams, and to be aware of your heart-centered self more often as well. Eventually this other self will become more known and a real asset to your daily life. Eventually you will discover that you are so much more.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 27, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Though the wind blows in different directions each day the path of heart continues along its dedicated route. When the intent of the spirit is strong nothing, not even the strong winds of a hurricane, can stir it from its path. Hold steady through thick and thin, through the tough times and the easy times, through all kinds of turmoil. Weather through with the spirit in charge, the heart in synch and the whole self determined. There is nothing so rewarding as a goal achieved with body, mind and spirit in right alignment. A path of heart is just such a path.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne