Tag Archives: life as a spiritual journey

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 29, 2020

Wisdom is received by being open to new experiences, by being a lifelong learner, a student of the world and the spirit both. Knowledge is gained when one dares to defy the norm and be open to the unusual. To evolve demands a break from the mundanities of life as you know it so that the true source of knowledge may be accessed. Let your mind go free, your heart be open, your innocent self be trusting of all that truly exists to guide you. Beyond the human self lies the infinite. Tap into that and discover all you truly need in order to navigate the world as you know it and the world as you don’t yet know it as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 20, 2020

Engage your intent from morning until night. Even when you dream, state your intent to change, to be a loving being, to connect with your spirit, and to express peace and happiness wherever you find yourself, in every world you enter. By your declaration of loving kindness and your intent to evolve, become the beacon of light you wish to see and know yourself to truly be. Face your inner difficulties with this same intent of loving kindness so that you may be truly free of all that now binds you. Have compassion for yourself and the life you have lived. Seek your freedom by remaining intent upon your path of heart. As every warrior knows, there is more than one way to get there, but once there, there is no turning back. Intent!

Sending you all love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 8, 2020

Find equilibrium by staying steady upon your path with heart. Though you may be called upon, or pulled in many directions that may strain you and pull you off balance, do not lose sight of your heart’s intent, of your loving self, or of your true identity as a caring, kind being, equally concerned about your own spiritual journey as much as you are about that of another. For what other journey are you or anyone else really meant to take? A warrior keeps always in mind that it is the journey of spirit that is of uppermost importance, and the spirit’s path of heart that matters above all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 28, 2020

Without shame, face the truth of the self. Do so without blame as well, accepting that life has many paths to offer, how the pull to one path or another has challenged and shaped you, made you who you are today. Now pause. Consider all the possibilities still out there that you are free to choose. What’s stopping you, except your idea that you can’t? Look around at all the other paths and decide which is truly your path of heart. Which path offers me what I truly seek? It’s never too late to change, to take life in a new direction, to challenge and shape a new you, to follow the guidance of spirit. A path with heart is never a wrong path.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 3, 2020

The marriage of body and spirit is the work of a lifetime, to be fully spirit in body, and fully present to each. Remind yourself often of this marriage, that it is the goal to be fully aware, awake, and alert to the truth of the spirit self while in the human physical body. A warrior knows that life lived in this manner is conscious and that when fully conscious, life is complete, balanced, and full of awe. That is what a warrior seeks most of all, to be in awe. Be in awe.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne