Tag Archives: life as a changing journey

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 20, 2021

In the grand scheme of things great forces are at work, instituting changes that are evolutionary and for the greater good of all. Though you may not be able to fathom the good in the world around you at this time, do look inward at the self and know that each individual is being asked to evolve as well. So do not dismiss yourself from the collective but turn to the self as a member of the collective being asked to change the self for the great good. When one evolves all have the opportunity to evolve. Take the first step for the greater good of the self and the greater good of all as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 22, 2021

Beware of negative thoughts that turn you in the wrong direction. Remain positive, keeping thoughts flowing in the direction of healing and the greater good, and with an uplifting attitude that knows no bounds, remind yourself daily that you are in charge and that you have the power within yourself to do anything you put your mind to, because, indeed, everything is possible!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 7, 2021

You can get used to just about anything, even that which is not good for you. Why not take advantage of the good energy now headed your way and do something good for yourself? Why not change some of those negative habits into positive habits? Everyone could benefit by such changes because no one is perfect, but everyone could use a little perfecting. It’s never too late to change. Pick one thing you’d like to change and give it your all. The Universe will support you with a boost of positive energy. It will take you in a new direction, if you let it!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 6, 2021

Change may happen slowly or it may happen all at once, abruptly and unexpectedly. Just as Nature exhibits both the slow and steady progress of change so does it exhibit how abrupt change comes and changes irrevocably. Know that both kinds of change are in every life, that even your own contains the slow and the abrupt, that the Universe is taking care of you so that change is always underway. When you are ready the abrupt will come to catapult you forward. When you are ready you will know what to do, and great changes will produce the new fixtures in your life, until the next changes come, for change is a constant you can count on. Remain aware that everything is possible, that your path of heart is indeed unfolding each day in slow and steady as well as abrupt and unexpected ways. Such is life. There is always something new on the horizon.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 30, 2021

When things appear to be at a critical point, what decision will you make? When it’s obvious that things need to change, what choice will you make? A path of heart is always the choice to make, the path that speaks the truth but also offers the opportunity for the greatest advancement. Without fear, choose the path of heart. You won’t be disappointed, even if it means changing everything.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne