Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Thursday November 1, 2018

Sometimes it is best to refuse the energy of the collective, the outside energy that builds momentum and mindlessly attacks. You might not even realize that it is this that has a grip on you. It isn’t always your fault, your problem, your failure. Sometimes there’s just too much outside pressure. In such instances, turn inward, regroup within the self and determine to stay centered calmly within, heart centered, whole and individual. Sometimes it’s better to be a solitary being, contained and protected from that which seeks a landing place. Refuse it by maintaining peacefulness and calmness within. Maintain your good self, your soul self, your wholeness. Maintain always your loving intentions.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 30, 2018

Don’t forget that above all else you are a spirit being living a human life in order to learn something unique, empowering, and evolutionary, so that your spirit may accumulate the knowledge and energy it has long desired to advance. Pay attention to the lessons that occur in your life, to the ways in which you are being taught, and to the meaning in everything. Focus on learning so that your lessons may be fewer and so that with ease you may enjoy your life as a spirit in human form. As a spirit you already know the lessons, the answers, the reasons, and the bigger plan. So relax and enjoy. It’s all going to work out just fine.

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 26, 2018

Let your mind be free of worry and constraints. Let your heart rest, knowing that all will be well. Let your body experience what life brings, and yet guide yourself forward in all manners with a combination of discipline and daring, restraint and freedom, care and abandon, for life, in all its vicissitudes, requires both certainty and uncertainty, sharp concentration and the ability to release from constraint when necessary. Life is not a straight path but one that takes many sharp turns, dips and drops, that diverges and shifts without a moment’s notice. And so the human being must be prepared for what it brings, for what it entices with, and for what it curtails with. Knowing all this, embrace life with open arms, for no matter what happens, or has happened to you, you are well prepared for it. For it is your soul’s intent to live the life you are in, but it is also your soul’s intent that you confront and conquer all that your present life entails too. Your soul’s intent is that you evolve and do so with full consciousness, in alignment with where you are, who you are, and what you have been given. It is all your soul’s intent. And it is all your own intent too! Recognize this and half the battle is won!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 19, 2018

Let love guide you now. From a place of loving kindness align with the world you live in, with nature, with other human beings, so that harmony may truly reassert itself and once again be the song of the land. In nature find balance and the Right Way. In nature find your heart beat’s resonance. In nature find your sustenance and your nurturance. Turn to the land, the sun, the plants and trees during the day to show you how nature works and thrives, and at night turn your eyes and hearts upward to the stars, the moon, and the galaxies and know that this too is your home. Anchor more fully in the garden you live in, Planet Earth. Keep it safe and well. Let the love in your own heart guide you to know how to do this. The knowledge is deep within you. It’s all about realizing that you are home; the Planet Earth is your current home. Care for it and love it until you leave for your next home. Though chaos may appear to have power it is no match for the heart centered power you have within you. Use it in the way you choose to live, in the way you choose to love, unconditionally, with compassion and gratitude. Though you may feel small and insignificant, it really does depends on you, for you are a significant part of the greater whole. And that matters. You matter.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 18, 2018

At the dawning of every new age there is chaos and turmoil, there is darkness and even despair, and yet there is always light showing the way. Focus on the light. Though it may be far in the distance, hone in on it and draw yourself forward towards its tiny pinpoint in the distance. That tiny light is what you seek, the time of coming out of the darkness, the time when all will be different. Make the journey through the darkness an experience as rich as what you hope for when you reach the light. Savor its riches, for indeed it is the greatest time in any lifetime, the dark holding far more riches than imaginable. It is a time of learning about the powers within the self, about the mirror of light within the self reflecting outside of the self in that pinpoint of light in the darkness, for it is you that has placed that light in the distance. It is you that makes the journey. You are the journeyer, the journey, and the journey’s end too. You are all that you experience. You are the creator and the created, the light and the dark, the pain and the joy of this journey to the new age you seek. Keep going toward the light. Let the journey unfold. You’ve already dreamed it; you’re just remembering now.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne