Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte For Monday May 13, 2019

Pay attention to your body. It tells you what it knows, what it needs, and what it does not like. The human mind tends to override the body, but the body knows all. The body has its own innate intelligence, far more inclusive and knowledgeable than that of the human mind. Refer to your body over your mind, for it will give you the truth when your mind will try to fool you. You might blame your body for things your mind instigates, but think twice before condemning it. Your mind is the real trickster; your body only a willing accomplice. Give your body its due; pay attention to it, give it some quiet time, and take care of it. You’ll be glad you do, for your body is your true home upon the Earth—the residence of your Soul.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 6, 2019

Watch your energy; it’s your life force. Beware of rituals that have no meaning, grounded in ideas that have no substance and no connection to reality. Stick with what is real and true, and if you are to engage in rituals give them real meanings based on personal experiences that are profound, moving, and important to you personally. Create your own personal rituals, for there is no sense in carrying on or carrying out rituals that you have no connection to. That is merely a drain on your energy. It’s important now to conserve your energy, to protect it, and to engage it in creativity, healing, and for the good of all rather than in using it carelessly or without due cause. Your energy is your life force. Protect it well and use it wisely. And stay youthful and energetically alive by letting love finds it way to you and through you. There is no better ritual and no better use of energy than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 2, 2019

There’s no time to waste on worry or fear. Let old ideas go as you look forward to each new day. Free yourself of your old self, the one who held you to certain standards and rules, who kept you from fulfilling your potential. Now is the time to fulfill your potential, to let your heart finally lead you and show you that indeed you can do all that you set your mind to. Put your strong will to good positive use now, on behalf of your greater self. And with heart centered love, allow yourself to change, for your own greater good. It’s not a bad thing at all!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 1, 2019

Be more loving. Let love surround you and ground you. Let it emerge from within and send it soaring. Let love become your mode of operation, your first and last thought, your go to action when all else fails. Let love be your guide and your helper. And what is love, truly? It is kindness and compassion. It is openness and trust. It is goodness and helpfulness. It’s not selfish. It is without judgment. It simply is. It is like the air you breathe, free for the taking, immeasurable, infinite, and yet you can capture it and utilize it for more than you know. It’s not personal but it is infinitely personally useful, for self and other. Get your love going and use it for good. The world needs you now, the loving being that you truly are. It will do you some good too, to be more loving. From your heart to your mouth, speak love. From your heart to your hands, give love. From your heart to your mind, think love. It’s not what you get, it’s what you give that matters.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 29, 2019

Like a lighthouse, keep your light on through every storm, the beacon within yourself, at your heart center, letting you know that you have everything within that you need to save yourself, to warn yourself, to heal yourself, to guide yourself safely through life, no matter the circumstance. Sooner or later you will discover that everything you need lies within, but you will only know this for sure by using your inner power and your inner light to bring you what you need, by your own intent. For intent is the real power and light within. What you know is one thing, but what you prove to yourself is another. Intent is the power within to achieve anything you set your mind to.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne