Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 5, 2019

What are you running from? Some idea? Something old? Are you sure it’s anything at all? When you turn and face your fears, they dissolve. When you confront old ideas they disappear. When you stop running, that which was chasing you no longer exists. Fears are thoughts and thoughts are figments of energy. Their job is to attach to you. Become aware of them as not belonging to you and pull away from them. Save your energy for something good instead, for loving kindness and compassion. Stir the energy of your heart, for that is truly beneficial now. That is the kind of energy the world needs more of now, loving kindness and compassion. Run towards that.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 3, 2019

Continue conserving your energy for that which is most important. In body, mind, and spirit determine what that means for you personally, and place your attention on what is most necessary. Give all else its due; do not neglect anything, but do not overdue anything either. Continue to hone your skills of awareness and consciousness raising, especially as pertains to what arises within you to thwart your progress in a spiritually mobile direction. Deal with what comes to show you the work that needs to be done on yourself, and follow the guidance that comes to protect and serve you. In keeping with your Soul’s journey, do not despair but look always forward with an open heart, an open mind, and with loving kindness as your mode of operation. Remember, change happens all the time and change is good, even change that may at first appear as devastating. Stay innerly focused and positive, and keep goodness always in your heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 20, 2019

You know your demons so well, but what about your angels? Have you forgotten about them? What about your goodness? What about your loveliness? What about your helpers? Have you forgotten about all that? Your demons may rule, but your angels have their own powers and promises, and their own agendas. Pay more attention to your angels. While you have been busy playing with your demons, your angels have been waiting patiently for you to remember them. They are your other side; the light, the magic, the dreams inside you. While you so easily accept the gifts of your demons, you’ve missed all the gifts your angels have held out to you. Seek a little more balance between the two, because they are both actually equally necessary in human life. Not too much of either, but a good balance will keep you happy, healthy, holy, and wise. Seek moderation, even when it comes to your demons and your angels!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 15, 2019

Find your center, your stable self within yourself, and know that you are enough, that you have within you all that you need to sustain you. Hold yourself accountable, be responsible, but also remain free and open. Without judgment, let your center self guide you to what to do next, to what you need in order to fulfill your life, your Soul’s dream of you. Don’t be afraid of what you learn about yourself, and don’t be afraid of what comes next either. Don’t be afraid of going for your dream of you. Get ready for your spirit to guide you. Remain positive and centered. Life is only just beginning. Every day ends and a new one begins, full of new possibilities. What will today bring? Stay positive.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne