Tag Archives: guidance

Soulbyte for Thursday October 4, 2018

Release your pain into the loving arms of the universe, all that you hold secret within you, for there is no greater listener, no greater counselor, no greater redeemer than the energy of love that surrounds you and seeks to help you. Relieve yourself of your pain in the loving energy that embraces and supports you on your journey through life. Let its vibration in so that you may be free and clear, born anew into a life you have only dreamed of. It’s all in your power of intent, in the things you tell yourself, and in the trust you develop as you work with the guides and helpers assigned to assist you as you journey through your many lives. They are right there ready to help. Just ask. Ask them to reveal themselves and see what they say, how they respond, and what they do to help you. Help may come in unexpected ways, but it will come. You may be very surprised to discover that you never have been alone, that they’ve always been there with you. Always.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 11, 2018

Don’t be so hard on yourself, but do maintain good balance, everything in right measure, not too much, not too little. It’s a tricky proposal but strive to stay aware of where you are at all times, within and without, not obsessively but protectively. Support and protect your energy so that you have what you need to do what is most important each day. Love yourself a little bit more each day for the journey you are taking, for the difficulties you successfully overcome, for the challenges you face. You are not alone, for there are many energies standing behind you, helping and hoping. Give them a little acknowledgement and thanks, letting them know that you are aware of them and how they are helping you keep in balance. Keep in step with their good wishes for your everyday success as well as success in the long term. Carry on knowing that you are in good hands, yours and theirs.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 17, 2018

Pay attention. Become more fully aware of nature assisting you on your unfolding journey. Listen carefully, see clearly, and intuit correctly by being fully alert and aware of what you need now. Everyone needs help at some point in making decisions or in knowing where to go next. Ask for guidance to assist you and then wait for a response. It will come in some form. Question its meaning so that you choose correctly. Is it right? Be patient as you let nature guide you. The right answer will come. Have no doubt, because if your heart is open and innocent you will be heard and love will find you. For love is what will guide you. Love will help you. The energy of love is everywhere. Be open and it will find you. Love is and has the answer.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 18, 2018

Let your giving be without attachment. Let your receiving be without need. Let your heart be open so that giving and receiving flow naturally in and out. Let your heart be aligned with all that comes to you and all that leaves you, for this is what life calls for as it progresses toward maturity, an acceptance of all that is. For the heart knows that everything is meaningful, even that for which there is no reasonable explanation, for the heart knows that the unexpected often carries the greatest gifts and brings the most meaningful experiences. Be open to life’s guidance and life’s gifts in whatever form they arrive and in whatever form they are asked to be given, for indeed everything is meaningful.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 7, 2018

Remain alert to guidance, to how it comes in so many strange and unexpected ways, in the wins and losses, in the ups and downs of life’s unfolding. Pay attention to how you are being shown your next step, how you are being prodded, put on notice, and given exactly what you need. Change is often abrupt and unexpected and yet in retrospect it is found to be the healing balm, the perfect solution, the most important aspect of a life needing something new. With eyes wide open, heart receptive, and hands ready to receive, accept the guidance that comes in everyday life to lead you onward to new life and new adventures.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne