Tag Archives: energy body

Chuck’s Place: Exercising The Power Of The Second Attention

The power of the second attention…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

The shamans of ancient Mexico called the ability to access and influence reality at a subtle energetic level, the exercise of power at the level of the second attention. This is in contrast to the first attention, the province of using physical energy in the solid world of everyday life.

By simply thinking, we engage the second attention. Thought conjures the subtle energy of imagination, which generates a blueprint that then manifests as images in action, which influence the physical dimension of reality through the law of attraction.

Thought can also be directed to travel telepathically and to be subliminally received by someone whom we intend to be influenced by it. Setting a healing intent, or praying for someone, are examples of exercising this power of the second attention.

These simple examples of exercising the power of the second attention deepen as one learns of the existence of the astral dimension, where souls, in their energy body form, intermingle in what is called dreaming.

When the physical body goes into the deep regeneration of sleep, one’s energy body, or soul, is freed from its mooring within the physical body to travel, in dreaming, into the astral dimension of reality. The astral region is populated by visiting energy bodies of humans currently in physical form, as well as by those currently not in human form. Bob Monroe crafted this affirmation for astral travelers so as to ensure safety and protection:

I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development and experience are equal to or greater than my own. I ask their guidance and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires.

The energetic modus operandi of the astral region is thought. Thus, if I intend to fly in a dream, I simply state ‘fly now’ and off I go. If my mind, however, is in its first attention perspective when dreaming, I will attempt to fly by flapping my arms and jumping up like a bird, to no avail.

Similarly, if I am in my first attention in a dream and consciously attempt to walk, as I do in waking life, I will experience tremendous weight and inertia as I stumble forward. Actually, this experience is a moment where I might be prompted to wake up to my second attention, as the thought might occur in the first attention that, “This situation is impossible. Of course it is, I’m in a dream!”

From this awakening realization I can simply command where I want to be, and be there in an instant. The trick is to stay in the astral region of dreaming and not wake up to the physical body and the first attention of Newtonian physics. To develop second attention awareness in dreaming, set the intent to wake up to it before you go off to sleep. Be patient as you seek to develop your astral prowess.

Outwardly, the world has truly woken up to, and become pervasively enthralled with, exercising the power of the second attention in daily life, the normal province of the first attention. The use of affirmations to manifest one’s desires is widespread. The caution here is to be sure that what one asks for is truly in alignment with one’s high Spirit. (See my blog: Don’t Forget To Ask If It’s Right for a fuller discussion of this point).

Our world is being challenged now with ideologies—thoughts—that state that if facts don’t support their contentions then the facts are false. The human race has become extremely polarized by thoughts that have manifested alternative realities, based on differing belief systems around the globe. The power of the second attention can be commandeered for egocentric and evil intentions, as well as for the good of the planet.

To protect oneself from the power of nefarious influencers, retreat to the sanctity of the heart, where the scales of justice will always tell the truth. Include a positive affirmation, such as Bob Monroe’s, to be fully present to observe and learn but still safe and protected from negative influences.

Intend to be personally responsible with the power of thought at the center of the second attention.

And, last but not least, intend always for the greater good, joining ranks with the evolutionary energy of love. Now that’s worthy of all our attention!

First and Second Attention on love,

Chuck’s Place: Mind Your Words

Practice saying it…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

There are many voices in the head. The most prominent is that of the ego itself, the voice of consciousness that directs thought and decision making in waking life.

Just beneath the ego is the voice of the subconscious, that which stores the knowledge of our personal experiences in this life, as well as our genetic and ancestral knowledge and the archetypal programs that distinguish our species.

The subconscious also houses the split-off complexes formed through traumatic experience, which maintain their own consciousness. The voices of these split-off complexes represent learned beliefs, which exert their influence upon our everyday emotional states and mental functioning.

Additionally, the subconscious houses the soul’s journey through eternity, which includes many sub-personalities that weigh in on current life from their vast and varied experiences in infinite life. These influences, though pronounced, are generally veiled from waking ego consciousness, which spends most of its energy navigating survival and the tasks of daily waking life.

The subconscious is also the powerhouse of manifestation. All humans generate the life they are in via the suggestions delivered to the subconscious mind. The mere flicker of a possibility, housed in the words of a thought, immediately registers in the chemistry and emotion of the human body. The thought, “Did they get home OK?” can generate acute anxiety in the pit of the stomach, as the mind imagines possible accidents.

The shamans of ancient Mexico identified a parasitic, inorganic entity that produces an internal dialogue, which they called a flyerThe flyer influences the subconscious mind with incessant negative thoughts, generating intense emotion, the stuff of its sustenance. This parasitic relationship between species is quite common, as all life feeds upon life on this planet.

Whether the flyer be considered real or metaphorical, the effect of the internal dialogue upon human life is the manifestation of the consensus reality we live in. Essentially, the internal dialogue is a tour guide that cynically, and incessantly, defines who we are and the life we are in. The inner dialogue knows the fragility of the ego’s plight: a stranger in a strange land, cut off from the knowledge of its soul’s fuller journey and resources by the veil of the blank slate, which is installed upon birthing into this human life.

Through the internal dialogue’s generation of constant negative thoughts about the ego’s incompetency, and its negative view of outer reality, the ego easily becomes overwhelmed and thus spends much of life preoccupied with attempting to establish its worthiness. Meanwhile, it remains cutoff from its true royal lineage as a magical being. As a result, all the capabilities of its energy body soul self remain unknown and unavailable to ego consciousness.

The advantage of this parasitic arrangement is that the ego is able to remain fixed in the waking life it is in, thus effectively fulfilling its purpose for being in this life, which, cutoff from its history, it has little knowledge of. Had we full knowledge of our history, we would know of our immortality. Such knowledge would overshadow the time space limitation of this life, which actually motivates our efforts for fulfillment because of those limitations.

The disadvantage of the internal dialogue is the constant negativity it spews to the subconscious mind, which manifests in both anxious and depressed mood states. When we are cut off from our soul self, life can be made to appear nihilistic, foreboding and meaningless, with little possibility for joy and fulfillment.

Actually, the internal dialogue can be viewed as the gargoyle that guards the gates to the deeper knowing of our true selves, until we are able to subdue its influence upon us. Despite its negative influence, we tend to become addicted to the familiar sense of self that its cynical words generate and, regardless of our conscious intent to become more positive, we resist moving away from the comfort of a known self and world, with all its inferiorities and limitations.

Perhaps the greatest suggestion the shamans of ancient Mexico offer to transcend the insidious effect of the internal dialogue is to suspend judgment. When the ego gives this suggestion to the subconscious mind in the presence of an extraneous thought or interpretation, it opens the doorway to the world of possibility. Limiting beliefs are mere hypotheses that needn’t automatically define reality.

If we truly suspend judgment we are freed to open to a world of infinite possibility, with access to our magical selves. We are free to explore the subtle dimensions of the energy body, with its ability to travel beyond the body and communicate with more evolved spirits, who can guide us to latent abilities, such as telepathy and the deeper knowledge of the soul’s journey, with its many relationships in infinity.

The practice of suspending judgment is quite simple. Don’t engage in argument with the internal dialogue. Accept the basic truth of the inferior position of the ego. Rather than get caught in the struggle for proving self-importance, utilize the ego’s ability to approach life with the innocence of a child, in awe with the discovery of life and all its possibilities.

Mind your words.

State the intent: “Suspend Judgment.”

Enjoy the momentary inner silence such a suggestion manifests.

Allow the suggestion that anything is possible to be tested in the experiment of daily life.

Discover the positive outcome of such unbiased exploration. You won’t regret it!

Suspend judgment,


Chuck’s Place: Soulful Times

What does the future look like?
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

The rapid-fire explosive energy of now leaves little doubt that great change is on the very near horizon. The path of human evolution is abundantly clear. The human soul, in the form of the energy body, has emerged as a utilitarian entity, destined to play a major role in the living of future life in human form.

Bob Monroe journeyed to a future permutation of Earth where humans lived primarily in their energy body state and kept their human bodies safely tucked away, visited once or twice a week by their owners. He experienced the Earth itself as nature completely flourishing, with no sign of human transportation systems. In this new world, the fuel for travel in the energy body was the intent of thought alone. In a world of energetic mastery, materialism—the current human obsession—had largely become a laborious anachronistic pastime.

The worldwide trauma of now is the cracking open of the defensive wall that has blocked access to the soul. The dominant rational mind’s ability to dismiss  the soul, with all its subtle power to direct human life, is on the wane. The impotence of reason itself, in the face of the irrational, is evidenced at the highest levels of governance.

Life in the energy body is life in total transparency, where non-verbal communication is the norm. In energetic reality there is no such thing as lies, as the truth is completely revealed. Hence, acquiescence to the true needs of the planet becomes the no-brainer of energetic reality. The cumbersome practice of material hoarding is retired in favor of the materialization of imagination.

The Earth and all its inhabitants are currently confronting the upsurge of civilization’s suppressed shadow. The primal human ego that seeks power and abundance for itself and its own is having its day. The hatred and rageful energy accompanying this unleashing of the suppressed is inevitable. We cannot evolve without squaring with the fullness of our wholeness. We cannot evolve without transcending the chokehold of our narcissism.

Begin with suspending judgment. Judgment is the cynical internal dialogue that devalues and doubts the integrity of everything and everyone, seeking to distract us from the positive potential of our souls. How easy it is to identify the flaws in self and other. Shift to compassion. “Forgive them father, they know not what they do” is helpful guidance.

Be guided by synchronicities, which are stirrings from the soul reaching out to awaken us to its active existence. Use recapitulation, shamanic magical passes, breathing, Hemi-sync, and dreaming to discover and journey into the true depths of the soul.

Stay positive in these most soulful of times, it truly is all good.

Perseveringly positive,


Soulbyte for Friday May 1, 2020

Remember that though you consider yourself to be solid form, from another perspective you are pure energy. Part of yourself only sees the solid form and yet another part of you sees and feels the energetic you, knows that you are more than just a physical being, and knows that there is so much more to experience than just the physical world. Tap into this energetic nature within you more often. Remember that this is your essence, the eternal you who knows more than your physical mind thinks, that can accomplish the seemingly impossible, in both dreaming and waking reality. By your intent you can accomplish anything. Don’t give up on yourself. Set your intent, connect with your eternal you, your energy body, and be guided by the great spirit inside you that knows you can do it, you can do anything. Intent!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 13, 2020

Watch your energy, how you expend it and how you accumulate it. Watch how you let it fritter away in useless activity rather than honing it for use in spiritual matters. A warrior seeks always to hone energy, to explore in dreaming in order to more fully understand the capabilities of the spirit, the human energy body, as it is also known. Once out of the human body it is pure energy, or spirit if you like, a point of awareness, consciousness, and this is what a warrior seeks to fully know, understand, and hone, through experiences, so that there are no suprises in both waking and dreaming life, and so that full consciousness is part of everyday life. This is the warrior’s way. It’s never too later to begin honing and exploring. A warrior knows this, and so a warrior never gives up.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne