Tag Archives: containment

Soulbyte for Monday March 5, 2018

Stay contained. Like a little cooking pot keep your lid on. Put into you only that which is nurturing and good. Keep out bad thoughts and ideas. Keep only that which inspires and feeds your body and your spirit, that your body and spirit may find each other and discover what they need in order to thrive within the self. Stay contained. In this manner be at peace.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 5, 2017

Though you may wish to rage, rage against the world for all the injustices done you, for all the pain and suffering you have endured, it is only in going within the self that all will be set right. Raging outerly does not quell the fire of rage within but is only a momentary release. It is only in containment, in burning the rage, the feelings of injustice and the pain within the container of self that full release and transformation will occur. Profound and lasting change must take place within the container of self. The outer world is just a mirror. Go within.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 19, 2017

Stay contained within no matter what is happening without. Empty your mind so that roving thoughts do not invade your container. Keep focus on your heart center. Hold your thoughts and intentions there. Hold them firmly in your grasp like a bouquet of flowers you dare not let go of. In inner containment let your mind be still, your heart calm and loving, your intentions compassionate and kind for self and other. That is how to weather trying times, with a measure of grace and kindness, with a measure of love and compassion, intentionally, as if nothing else mattered.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 5, 2017

Containment of personal energy begins within the self, in turning thoughts away from that which is happening outside of the self, in turning inward with the breath so that calmness may begin to take its natural place like the calmness that comes after a thunderstorm. In containment, and in the natural state of breathing, let calmness anchor, let thoughts reduce to no more than the sound of leaves gently rustling, let mind go still as a moonless night, let body relax like a day with no breeze, let inner self, spirit, be present in every breath, naturally contained within. As it should be. Calm.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne