Misunderstandings occur when there is a failure to communicate accurately. This can lead to devastating consequences, both in the world between any two or more people as well as within the self. The only way to overcome misunderstandings is to be truthful, but being truthful is often a tricky proposition, for there is often a lack or inability to be truthful within the self. How then can truth be told outside of the self? Seek to be truthful, as you face your own dilemmas, and seek first resolution within. The truth can be a hard truth or it can simply mean taking a look from a different perspective. Either way, some form of acceptance will be required, within and without.
In a recent channeling, through Jan, Jeanne assured us that spirit forces are presently heavily engaged in influencing life upon planet Earth. She encouraged that we remain positive and continue to work on our own spiritual advancement. And truly, how does one spiritually advance?
First of all, we are all spirit beings, currently attached to our wondrous human cocoon. We are surrounded by spirit beings who have released their fleshly garments and continue to live their lives on finer material planes. Continued evolution on those planes requires that one fully square with the truths of life lived while in human form. For many spirit beings, this means lives of service and making amends.
Life beyond the physical exists at a much higher vibrational speed, and the method of action is largely mental. Thus, spirits in service to humankind bring positive, encouraging thoughts and inspirations to loved ones or others in need. Spirits are also able to impact electricity and other occurrences in nature. Thus, the synchronicities we experience each day are often spirit messages and affirmations.
Our openness and willingness to receive spirit help directly impacts our contact with spirit forces. A note of caution here. State to the spirit world your intent to only receive support from benevolent spirits. The truth is that many spirit entities who have left human life in the flesh are reluctant to leave human life in the spirit. Practically speaking, this means they remain earthbound in focus, seeking to parasitically continue human experience by attaching to and influencing human behavior.
Spirits at this stage have either failed to realize they have died or simply remain addicted to life in the physical body. They will eventually evolve, when they grow bored of their empty imaginings and are ready to place the light of truth upon their greed, and become helpful spirits.
Ironically, spirits at this stage of narcissism perform a valuable service to their human victims. Spirits could not gain entry into our human life if we didn’t provide them with an opening. That opening is generally our own attachment to unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, our own addictive tendencies.
Often, we employ various defense mechanisms to shield ourselves from the truth of our collusion with excessive or unhealthy behaviors. These blind spots open the door to hungry spirits impacting our thoughts, moods and behaviors. These heightened states of acting out also offer consciousness and conscience the opportunity to become aware and take responsibility for our hidden compulsions.
These aha moments illustrate the ‘service’ provided by even malevolent spirits to help us spiritually advance. With increased awareness we can choose to align our thoughts and actions with right action. The less we burden our spirits with ignorance, confusion and lies, while in human form, the freer our spirits will be to advance at our time of passing.
As spirit beings, while in physical life, we are also able to access and develop the power of thought to advance spiritually now. Thoughts are the commodity, the currency of spirit life. Imagination is the master builder of life beyond the physical body. However, though densely veiled, imagination is the prime mover in physical life as well.
Our freedom to imagine health and loving support to all human beings impacts their feelings and decisions. In my imagination I can send love and healing energy to the most recalcitrant of beings on earth. In so doing, I both lighten my personal load of negativity and spiritually advance to embrace the equanimity of every moment and every being.
Take advantage of spirit openings by asking for help from beneficent spirits, by facing the truths and lessons brought through malevolent spirits and by exercising the spirit power of positive thought and imagination. See what happens!
Listen always to the heart, for the heart knows more than the head. The head will try to take over, assert its rationality, but keep open the communication with the heart, in spite of all the rationality in the world, for the heart is the great communicator. It holds the world, far and wide, in its knowledge, connecting all that is and bringing it home to you, the knowledge you need in order to make the choices that are most important and spiritually serving. For the heart serves the spirit, and the spirit is what counts.
Here is our audio channeling for the week! Innocence is key to our connecting with each other in a real way. Practice accessing innocence through opening your own heart.
Let’s all practice being openhearted and loving today.
We keep some bird feeders going. I’ve noticed that when I’m in the yard, either working in the garden or just sitting and relaxing, the birds react, some dramatically and some less so. The larger birds immediately fly far afield, startled by the mere click of the door opening. The smaller birds take cover nearby. I’m aware that all of them are waiting to see what I’m going to do.
As I enter their territory, their energetic space, I’m aware that eventually they’ll calm down and go about their business as I go about mine. They’ll accept me the same way they accept a passing deer, knowing I will do no harm, that I’m generally a calm energetic presence.
About a week ago, I watched as a robin began making a nest in a fairly small juniper tree tucked up near the house. It’s always a busy bush, handily available for all the small birds to rush into should they need cover. It rustles and shakes with their comings and goings, so I was a little surprised that the robin had chosen it.
I waited to see if it was simply a decoy nest. Our deck at the back of the house suffers from these decoy nests. Straggling grasses and debris hang down from the beams, as the robins and even the phoebes attempt to divert attention. We’ve been onto them for years, but I guess birds of prey, squirrels and other critters still don’t get it.
I’ve observed the birds flight patterns for years too, how they never fly directly to their nests but always in a complicated indirect path, another attempt to divert attention from their real abode and the treasures that lie incubating there.
Beneath the little juniper tree in the front yard is a hose box and so it’s an area that we too frequent often, dragging out the hose and then winding it back up again as we tend to the gardens and flowering pots in the yard. So I was startled to see that indeed the robin’s nest in the juniper tree is the real one, the home they selected for this year.
I found this out when I went to pull out the hose. There sat the robin in her nest. Bearing the tension of my gaze, she stared right back at me. I could feel her fear, the tension in her body, aware that she might fly off in an instant. Not wanting to stress her, I backed off and went about my business. Later, as I rewound the hose I looked at her again. She sat with the same tense readiness.
“Don’t worry; everything is fine,” I whispered in the most soft and gentle voice. “Thank you for coming here, for…” and with that she flew off in a huff, shrieking and bellowing. I realized that my silence was all that mattered. I didn’t need to speak. My voice was intrusive, but my energy was calmer, enough so that though she was edgy she could bear the tension of my presence.
I thank them for coming into my garden… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
Indeed, when I am in the yard working calmly on my gardens, I am in the flow of nature around me. I have my hands in the soil, and yes, I talk to my plants, to the earth, even to the weeds and worms. I welcome them all; I thank them for coming and being part of my life and my garden.
The other day, I noticed that someone had stepped in the garden where I had planted seeds, the tiny seedlings just beginning to pop up. It looked like the person had taken one step in, realized it was a garden and then taken another step out again leaving two big footprints digging into the soil.
“Humph!” I thought, “who did that!” But then I realized it didn’t matter. Don’t waste energy on anger, it doesn’t suit the flow of life, just accept it. The garden will not suffer. Indeed the little seedlings have popped right back up again. The next day I saw that some critter had dug a hole in another area of the garden, also planted with seeds. Here too, my immediate reaction was anger. I got a little grumpy, confronted the futility of it all, of trying to have control! But of course, I realize I have no control. This is nature! And so I accept what comes.
“Okay,” I say in greeting to these intruders, “you are here, I am here, we are all here creating this world and everything we do is acceptable. Each one of us is acceptable. I am no better or worse with my digging and pulling. I too am an intruder and a disturbance. The birds react, the squirrels chatter, and yet they let me do my thing.”
One day a raven flew down low. Its shadow swooped over me, startling me, and I felt the wind of its feathers flying right over my head. It landed on the roof and I got a good look at it. Meanwhile, the birds were in an uproar, squawking and shrieking, sure that they were in danger, alerting all in the neighborhood that a predator was in the vicinity. The same thing happened yesterday when a vulture hovered over the yard. I know that in attracting birds, in making our yard a destination, we are also making it available to other energy as well. The cats come and stalk the birds. Occasionally we find feathers on the ground, a catch made, and we know that all is not always calm beauty in nature, just as it isn’t inside us either.
All in the natural flow… Art by Jan Ketchel
There is always the possibility of the shadow coming; the predator is hungry too, part of nature too, needing sustenance too. And so I must be okay with what I have created. I can’t stop anything from happening. I can, however, be in the flow of it, accepting of what comes without attachment, knowing that it is all nature and that nature will right itself, restore balance, just as I seek to do within myself.
The robin—in both her bearing of tension and in her abrupt flying out of the nest—taught me the significance of energy alone, the only communicator that is really necessary, the natural communicator, one we can all learn to use a little bit more.
We are all telepathic beings and we all have the capability of communicating energetically. We just have to trust it and use it more often. I find that if I am calm and centered, without mental or physical stress, my energetic communication is strong. If I’m stressed or tired, feeling out of balance, then I’m just not as attuned.
I’m just beginning to read a book on feng shui, the natural flow of energy that is in all things, supporting my own experiences. I intend to take some time to be in the garden today, to use my nonverbal communication skills to commune with my plants and birds, with the natural flow of energy all around me.