Tag Archives: changing self

Soulbyte for Thursday April 17, 2019

With heart open, stand firm upon your path of transformation. Day by day make changes that further your intent to change. Change happens all the time in the world around you, and even in your own body without your need to do a thing, but changes of the mind, of the soul, of consciousness take effort. Each day is a renewal, a new opportunity to restart and restate your intent: “I am a changing being!” Make your change the most important aspect of your life, for you and your life deserve it. It’s all in your hands. You’ve come this far, don’t stop now. The power is yours.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Shedding Your Limiting Beliefs

Don’t forget those moments of insight when you realize everything has changed…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are all advised to work on shedding our belief systems and being open to those moments of awakening, when what we experience changes us. Remember to stay awake! That’s the key.

Have a wonderful week!

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 14, 2018

Minimize distractions and energy drains in your life. Simplify so that your energy is not drawn from you nor compromised by too much. Let yourself release that which is no longer helpful or really necessary so you free up energy for that which is. Think of yourself as a battery that needs constant recharging so that you function properly. Only the finest energy input will do! Soothe your mind to stay calm day and night. Soothe your body and your soul with appropriate calming methods, food, and peaceful input. In this manner begin to notice just how much energy gets drained unnecessarily and how much renewed you are by appropriate attention to the whole self: body, mind, and spirit. In calm alignment, with energy protected and tended to, renew your vows to carry on in a new manner. That’s intent!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 13, 2018

Have you strayed from your intent to change? You have the inner strength; that is not in doubt. But do you have the conviction to take up the task of really changing? Are you ready for the challenges that changing presents? Reset your intent. Establish your limitations and boundaries. Ground and protect yourself, and then begin anew. It’s quite a journey and one not to be missed! It’s never too late to take that first step!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 3, 2018

Discipline, stamina, and hard work are the necessary components of change. A tiny seed lying in the ground must use tremendous force to burst through its casing and make its way through the solid earth, past all the obstacles in its path, if it is to make it to the light of the world. So is it with human beings too. They must muster all their intent to stay focused and disciplined if they are to succeed at changing themselves. There is no easy path, but once on the changing path stamina becomes second nature, discipline its fuel, and the hard work that it takes to achieve a goal becomes like an elixir, sought after for its satisfying effects. A deep sense of gratitude, self-satisfaction, and elation eventually arise. In this case all of it well-earned. Keep on changing! You won’t regret it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne