Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 3, 2017

Changing times call for inner change, for each individual to change too, to let go of old ideas of the self and others, to release old childish voices and needs, to move beyond that which may leave one stranded and left behind while everything and everyone else moves on. Changing times call for bravery, stability, and maturity as the changes that come unbidden are faced, embraced, and allowed to become the seeds of new growth, the air of new ideas, the light of new life. Change is always here, knocking at the door every day, asking you to come on out and join it. And change is good!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 2, 2017

Change is cyclical, the urgency and desire for change natural. Like a farmer preparing the soil for planting, prepare the self for planting new seeds of change. Get the self ready to bring forth new ideas and new energy to support a changing self, for all of nature seeks change, evolution, and new growth and you are no different. Like a tree firmly rooted, reaching its branches to the sky, so does a new seed seek both the nurturance of the soil and the sky, the dark and the light. A human being is no different from the rest of nature, for some part of you seeks always something new. Even if you won’t admit it or don’t allow for it, there is a part of you always seeking something new. And what is that? Well, it’s You of course, a deeper, higher Self, and you don’t even have to leave home to find it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 28, 2017

Real change involves sacrifice. Something must give for something new to take. Something must go for something new to come. Room must be made for something new. With every sacrifice comes a new opportunity. But real change lasts only as long as the intent lasts, only as long as you remain conscious that: “I am changing, I am a changing being.” Staying constantly conscious of the changing process, of each sacrifice and each opening into which something new may step, is the key. Staying conscious is itself a constant sacrifice of all that comes to interrupt the process, and yet such sacrifice is the redemptive process, for it is the opening that is needed for change to step in and takes its place. You can’t have one without the other. Change, you have to give in order to get!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 26, 2017

Let the winds of change guide you as they sweep through your life, taking you to new lands where everything is different, taking you here and there, showing you this and that, all the new things that are important now. For when change comes it brings with it new opportunities, new paths, and new challenges. Seek the path that feels right and good, the path with heart and growth, even while you struggle to remember that though the winds of change have come once again they are taking you where you need to go now and where you truly want to go too. Your heart knows this, and so your heart embraces the winds of change, riding them like an expert. Though your mind may fight and your body resist, remember this: the heart always knows what is right. Path with heart, go there!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 13, 2017

Sometimes change is as easy to accept as a new hat, a new identity, a new way of thinking, being, and doing, a new way of seeing the self and being seen. In a new hat one becomes a new person. Is it time for a new hat? A ritual time of transition is on the horizon. It may be the perfect time to make a switch, to take on a new you, to become who you truly are at heart. A new hat anyone?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne