Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 7, 2017

Beyond this moment lies another, here in an instant. Beyond this day lies another, here in only a matter of time. Beyond this thought lies another, as fleeting as a moment. Beyond this knowledge lies more, gained over a matter of time. Do not stand rigid and unmoving, stuck in ideas or thoughts, in thinking that you are one way or another, an unchangeable being, for the truth is that you are as fleeting as a moment, as unfolding as a day, as changeable as a thought, as deep as all knowledge. You are all these things and more, an ever-evolving being, as you should be. Strive to remember this each day and let yourself become the changing being that you truly are. It’s not that hard. Like the ease of night into day and one moment into the next let yourself go with the flow!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 23, 2017

Sometimes it’s just time to move on, to let go of that which is old, worn out, done with, to leave behind something that no longer holds an energy charge, to which you give your own energy to no avail. Sometimes it’s time to change yourself rather than trying to change someone else. You might not know that this is the case if you only notice others, if you only point out how others are and never look at yourself. Is it time to look inward at what needs to change about yourself for a change? Change, by its very name, implies movement, evolution, a turning from one state to another. Change is a natural fact of life. All things change. All things transform. Is it time?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 15, 2017

Sometimes the truth is not what you keep telling yourself, but what truly is. That which once was, that which could be, that which should be or would be, if only, is not the truth. It is only an idea, a figment of desire and not what truly is. Can you acquiesce to what truly is? Can you accept the truth? Be honest. Begin with the truth. Begin with what truly is, right now. Acceptance of the truth is step one in beginning a journey of change. Ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 10, 2017

In troubled times, whether inner or outer, step back for moments of rest and retreat. Take time out for moments of detachment, for moments of stillness and reflection. When things are not going as you would like, find time to discover why you are confronted with change and how a new twist in life, a sudden change in plans allows something new to enter your life. There are no wrong turns, just different ones. Slow down, breathe, and look calmly for your next step. Even in the darkness you can see. Even in the midst of chaos there is order. Even among the sands of turmoil lies a path with heart. Go there!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 5, 2017

Like waves on the ocean, life is full of ups and downs. Why make more? Why make it harder for yourself when life offers enough hardships. Find peace and calmness from the hardships of life in simple doings; read a good book, get creative, take a walk, look at the night sky, talk to someone nice. Ship off the hardships of life on a boat of dreams at night and dream that a new ship arrives at dawn’s early light. All things pass, all things change, all things eventually sail on. In the meantime foster change within, and change without will soon come too. Your new ship will arrive. It’s just the way it is. Don’t miss it. Make things right within so that you are really ready to receive it, happily waiting on the shore to greet it! Happy sailing!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne