Tag Archives: calmness

Soulbyte for Friday May 24, 2019

Take care of yourself in a deeper way now, not just your physical self, but your mental, emotional, and spiritual selves too, by focusing on calmness in body, mind, and spirit. In calmness discover your truths, that which you have been avoiding, as well as that which is unknown. In calmness, face yourself and get right with yourself. For when you are right with yourself, you are right with the world. And when you are right with the world, everything is possible.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 30, 2019

Keep a calm and steady heart. No matter the storm that approaches, no matter the turmoil that brews, no matter the worry that seeks a home. Do not become infected. Keep your heart strong, your mind at ease, and your nervous system calm. Breathe into your heart and steady yourself, for in the long run this time too shall pass and in the end all will be well again. This you already know at a very deep level. Pay attention to that deeper knowing, count on it, and you can weather through any storm. Keep a calm heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 21, 2019

Let “Calmness” be your word today, your silent partner. Let calming breath be your companion. From without, bring it in, the elixir of life, the healing medicine you need today. Remind yourself that the air you breathe is the deliverer of calmness, peace, and tranquility, and that every breath is a healing breath. Be your own medicine woman or medicine man and with each calm breath attain calmness within. Let the magic of calmness reign within, as natural as the air you breathe, as warmly curing as the golden sun, as fulfilling as a sip of pure water, as necessary as any food. Bring on the calm!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Calm the Self, Calm the World

Acceleration Fatigue might aptly characterize the mind’s reaction to the  energy of now. Future Shock has become daily shock. Saturated with awful, we can absorb no more. Herein lies the opportunity to: Calm the Self and Calm the World.

Every day offers opportunity for calm reflection…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Begin by refusing the attraction to new news. There’s always excitement to be found, and excitement has its definite place, but too much of anything leads to exhaustion. Save your attention for your breath. Softly breathe in calm, gently melt away tension in soothing release.

Consider the many lives of self, coexisting at increasingly subtler levels of spirit, supporting the body in these rapidly changing times. Allow the messages, teachings, and adjustments from faraway dreams to innervate the self of daily life. Feel the love and support of wholeness of being as it reflects itself throughout the day.

Suspend judgment. Treat the march of events as they arrive at your shore with deep curiosity. Who are these visitors? Do I need to purchase their offerings? Why have they come my way this day? Don’t be offended by their intrusion. Remember, you have total charge of where you place your attention. Choose wisely, choose lovingly.

Love. Love the body, the physical being of this dimension. Love the mind, the spirit partner to the physical self. Love the consciousness that spirit affords. Love the spirit that journeys with all spirits, all parts of the same magnificent whole. Love all thy neighbors as thyself.

Have love for the ego; it’s saddled with self importance. Nonetheless, it remains the ground zero general of this dimension. Realize it must face its petty tyrants in its struggle to be free. And what is freedom? Freedom is serving the true needs of self beyond the veils of illusion. Tall order. Love it well.

Wait patiently. All things change in time. But for things to truly change the time must be ripe. Be with the changes of now, however painful, as precursors, milestones of greater change to come. No need to overly suffer in these suffering times. Be in truth. Eat, drink, and find joy in even these darkest of times. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. A change is gonna come, be patient.

Be like the rainmaker who brings rain when she restores herself to the Tao. Find your way to calm and it will calm the world.

