Tag Archives: body

Soulbyte for Thursday April 5, 2018

Make today count, because it really does. Today matters too. Today is the day you have been waiting for, the next step on your spiritual/human journey to wholeness, the day that will carry you forward in the direction of your desires. Embrace yourself and your journey through life. Find your two feet firmly on the ground and take the next step. Today really does matter. And keep positivity in your mind, in your heart, and on your tongue, for you really matter too.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 14, 2018

Set limits and stay below them. Set goals and go beyond them. Feed your body less. Give your soul more. Starve your worry and your fear. Nurture your creativity and your spirituality. In this manner find a new balance within and without, a new calmness where body, mind, and spirit are adjusted to each other in a new way, letting that which is most important lead the way. Leave the excesses of the world behind as you turn inward now to the world of your inner self. As you give the outer world a rest, your body, your mind, and your spirit will thank you and your heart will be at peace. Soon you will notice that the world outside of you has adjusted and achieved a new balance too. As within, so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 12, 2018

At all times remain aware of yourself as body and soul, as physical and spiritual, as more than just what you see and feel, for there is another part of yourself, your spirit, your ether. This is the part of you that knows everything and that knows everything is possible, for it lives in the realm of all possibility. Embrace this spiritual self and get to know it. Even as you attempt to perfect your physical self find this spiritual self perfect as it is. This is the real you who does not judge but only wants you to be happy in its company. It is with you at all times, ready to receive you just as you are. Are you ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 5, 2018

Stay contained. Like a little cooking pot keep your lid on. Put into you only that which is nurturing and good. Keep out bad thoughts and ideas. Keep only that which inspires and feeds your body and your spirit, that your body and spirit may find each other and discover what they need in order to thrive within the self. Stay contained. In this manner be at peace.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 26, 2018

Maintain self-awareness. Notice when your body is trying to signal to you that it needs something, that it doesn’t want something, that it is time to pull inward and take care of the self. Get to know how your body speaks to you so that you may also know how your spirit speaks to you. Hone your self-awareness so that you may fully know yourself, body and spirit. In this manner find your balance, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

PS: Raspy voice this morning suggests that I not do an audio channeling as is my normal Monday morning routine. Next channeled “Message from Jeanne” will be next Monday!