Tag Archives: balance

Chuck’s Place: Tsunami—Nature’s Molting


News of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 came to Huashan with the monthly supplies. The students who had gone down for provisions had rushed back up the mountain with the report that Japan had swept across the Marco Polo Bridge outside of Beijing, overrun the iron- and coal-rich northern mountains of Shaanxi Province, and had begun a second drive from Tianjin toward Nanjing…

The exceptionally gruesome stories of the fighting and atrocities shocked everyone, including Saihung… Every priest, acolyte, and student had a different opinion…

A large number of Taoists advocated noninvolvement in the war. They insisted that they as ascetics, “people-who-had-left-their-families,” should not return to worldly affairs and break the purity they had so long cultivated. The world was a place of war, deceit, dishonesty, money, killing, politics, and danger.

Patriotic Taoists disagreed, saying that if China was overrun or destroyed, ascetics would have no place to practice their arts… Renunciates or not, they were needed by their country and people.

These are the words I was reading in The Wandering Taoist last Friday when I paused, put down my book, and picked up the news of the tsunami attacking Japan. The synchronicity of aggression by Japan and upon Japan, at that moment, for me, was unshakeable. But what did it mean, what was I being shown?

The meaning became clearer as I contemplated the context of the Sino-Japanese War for the Taoist monks who had left the world and now, high in the mountain retreat of Huashan Monastery, were forced to struggle with deciding what should be the correct action in the face of this worldly aggression.

The Taoist sages knew that this world is but one illusion—they need not attach—and yet many of these highly evolved martial artist monks felt compelled to come down from their mountain and meet aggression with aggression.

Later, as I pondered the deeper meaning and response to the tsunami in Japan, I consulted The I Ching, perhaps the wisest and most immediately useful of Taoist texts. I received Hexagram #49: Ko/Revolution (Molting) with moving lines in the third and sixth places.

The original sense of this hexagram refers to the changes to an animal’s pelt or skin in the course of the year: the molting process. This is a natural event. This is nature’s transforming work, effecting necessary changes to accommodate shifting environmental conditions. Later interpretations of this hexagram extended its meaning to include revolutions that effect necessary changes in governance. Hence, the hexagram represents a change in nature and a change in governance.

These indeed are the attributes of now: the tsunami strike (nature) generating a revolution to overthrow the governing principles of our world. We see this reverberating in the many revolutions taking place throughout the Middle East, heralding a change in governance, while the molting action of nature is destroying a nuclear energy and containment system, which the earth deems destructive to its health and future evolution. Nature’s action and revolution are messages for the entire world, not just Japan and the Middle East. We are all pressured now, through this molting action, to realign governance in accord with nature. Revolution challenges an ideology of greed that refuses to consider balance and the needs of all of nature, human and nonhuman alike.

The moving line in the third place states: “When change is necessary, there are two mistakes to be avoided. One lies in excessive haste and ruthlessness, which bring disaster. The other lies in excessive hesitation and conservatism, which are also dangerous.”

We are challenged here to pause and reflect upon the deep meanings and truths that are being revealed, as well as the lies that are being promulgated, about nuclear power specifically, and then to act decisively. If we contemplate what gives rise to a world that accepts the need to contain highly radioactive materials for hundreds of thousands of years we will arrive at the understanding that at the root of it is a governing belief that unlimited growth is a necessity for the human species. This self-serving principle forces our species to detach from balance and instead exploit and threaten all that nature provides for the survival of all things. Precipitous actions focused on immediate containment and greater securing of a system of deriving energy destructive to life, without a deeper appreciation of the need for a major shift in how we derive energy, would be as futile as monks deciding on bloodshed as the proper action, but in essence just attaching to a different narrow illusion.

The moving line in the sixth place states: “You are reserved and withdrawn. Because of your quiet and uncomplicated philosophy of life, the effect on you of the great changes that are occurring throughout the world will be small and insignificant.”

What does this mean? Stand in the truth. The great changes happening in the world are inevitable. The ego of man will stand unrelentingly firm until nature completely levels it and restores it to humility where it assumes the proper relation to the Tao, or the course of nature. I emphasize here that it is out of our hands now; nature will have its way. This is necessary because man’s ego refused to acquiesce to a governance that respected natural balance and the interconnectedness of all things. In the meantime, we must spare ourselves great energy expenditure fighting that which only the heavy artillery of nature will level.

This was the lesson to the Taoist priests, who ultimately returned to their temples having learned the futility of bloodshed. With this lesson, it was time to take on the true demon on a level playing field, that is, to go within and lift the veil of illusion within the self.

We are all interconnected. What happens without happens within. We are all confronted with a tsunami right now, within ourselves, blowing the lid off truths turned toxic in their nuclear containment within the self. Our personal energy sources, the illusions we uphold to fuel our lives are being exposed now with unrelenting force. Can we face these truths within that we see mirrored and revealed without? What truths are being revealed now that demand changes in the governance of ourselves and our relationships? Are we willing to make major changes in our lives to achieve true alignment? These are the opportunities we are personally being presented with to change the course of our lives, which in turn reverberate into a changed life on this planet.

The future hexagram that emerges from the changes in revolution is #25: Innocence. In innocence we are presented with the image of thunder beneath heaven. When movement (thunder) follows the law of heaven, man is innocent and without guile. Here we have the strong suggestion that the outcome of revolution be a governance that acts in accordance with the Tao, that is, an ego that humbles itself and serves the true needs of the self—the rule of heaven—acting from a place of pure innocence versus tainted egoistic greed. This is the place of humility where man assumes the proper attitude within the interconnectedness of all things. In this paradigm, energy is derived from doing that which is right, working with versus exploiting nature, deriving energy from sources in concert with nature, accepting limitation, versus unlimited energy at all costs.

In summary, my reading of the Taoist response to Japan’s attacks, synchronized with the tsunami in Japan and the reading of The I Ching, all point to lethal power overthrowing the world as we have known it. Japan is simply the latest country to experience the molting of our planet. Think back to 2004, to the tsunami in Indonesia, as well as the recent debacle in the Gulf of Mexico. As well, let us not get distracted by the significance of relief efforts and restoration to normalcy. Victims of these disasters are warriors heralding a new world. Don’t let sadness and grief distract us from the real message: these are necessary encounters with nature’s imperative; everything is changing now on a dramatic worldwide scale.

There is need for revolution, and nature is providing it. Understanding the true nature of this occurrence can bring us to a place of calm and simplicity. We arrive at this place through acquiescing to the deeper truth of fundamental change that we are in the midst of; we can’t stop it. We must align our intent with nature’s intent and remain calm in knowing that what is happening is right. This is not passive surrender. This is the proper position of the ego that supports the truth. Take action within the self and outside the self that aligns with the Tao of nature, because the world, as we have known it, is undergoing major change now, fortunately, heralded by nature itself. No longer is man’s greed going to be allowed to dominate the planet.

Don’t waste energy in psychotic arguments. Embrace the real truth, within and without, without blame, and move toward a life of simplicity that takes only what is necessary and respects the needs of everything else. This is the way of the Tao.

If you wish to correspond, please feel free to post a comment below. And don’t forget to check out our facebook page at: Riverwalker Press on facebook.

I am nothing,

References: The Wandering Taoist, Deng Ming-Dao, p. 186; The I Ching, Richard Wilhelm translation, p. 189-192; I Ching, Sam Reifler, p. 220.

Buddha in the Midst of the Mist: Sitting in Calmness

A Day in a Life: Balance, Restless Dog & Broken Buddha

Last week I wrote about balance being important during a recapitulation process, but maintaining balance is of course important at all times. By balance I mean everything from keeping the body and mind healthy with good eating, sleeping, exercise, and stimulating mental activity, to living a thoughtful, compassionate, loving, aware existence in the world, as well as finding a spiritual practice that personally resonates and allows for exploration of the inner self.

For me, balance means all of these things and much more. I’m in balance when I have time for creative work and meditation, even if only for a few minutes during especially busy or stressful times. I’m in balance when I cook, delighting in preparing even the simplest meal with fresh ingredients, and being offered the opportunity to share it in the presence of good company. I’m in balance when I take a few minutes to walk the dog or stroll down the road on a sunny afternoon taking in what nature offers. I’m in balance when I’m focused on a task or project. I’m in balance when I do inner work, attending to what arises during the day to puzzle or challenge me. I’m in balance when I write this blog. However, I awoke feeling very out of balance this morning and with absolutely no idea what I would write about today.

The dog was restless all night. We wondered if she was perhaps letting us know that her time here is almost done. She’s old. Her legs are bad. She’s deaf. When she sits outside in the yard the vultures begin to circle overhead. We’ve been noticing this phenomenon for weeks now, their keen senses of smell and sight picking up on the vulnerabilities of an old animal who would be unable, at this stage of life, to survive out in the wild. During the night I heard the coyotes howling several times and I wondered if she heard them too, calling her to the next world, come to accompany her spirit on its next journey. I worried about letting her out during the night, though she insisted, knowing that they were out there on the prowl.

She has a tendency to wander off. Early this morning I let her out for the millionth time since the night began and went into the kitchen to put the coffee on. Most of the time she goes outside and just stands motionless or wanders around marking her territory then heads back to the front door to be let back in, it’s a predictable routine. This time when I went to let her back in, she was nowhere in sight. Pulling on my rubber boots I went outside to look for her, noticing that the night sky with its brilliant spread of gleaming stars was beginning to cloud over. I saw her heading toward the neighbor’s open garage and set off at a jog, hoping to head her off before they discovered me standing between their cars in my pajamas. Before I could catch her she darted inside. Embarrassed, I darted in after her and coming up behind grabbed her by the thick mane around her shoulders, surprising her. She whipped around and stared at me, as if to say, “What the heck!? What are you doing?” Which is what I said to her.

Stubbornly, almost digging her heels in, she reluctantly allowed me to push, drag, and shove her back into the house. A little while later, Chuck had left for the office and she needed to go out again. By this time I was beginning to feel extremely frustrated, more out of balance at each scratch at the door signaling her desire to go out. This time I put a leash on her and took her for a walk. Upon returning to the house she refused to come back inside with me, though it was beginning to rain. I left her sitting outside, her leash looped around the neck of the stone Buddha we have sitting in front of our entryway. That ought to keep her safe, I thought.

Every few minutes I checked on her. Like the Buddha she sat quietly, sedately, the grand dame, the queen surveying her land, seemingly contented. All of a sudden she got up and before I could get to her she had dragged the heavy stone Buddha off the step. It fell, smashing its head into the step below, severing it from the body. The dog stood there, unaware of what had just happened. I grabbed the leash before she could do anymore damage and just stood there looking down at the beloved Buddha, the calm sentinel marking our door for so many years, now broken.

The Buddha has always been a symbol of balance to me, serene and calm, he sits unmoving, nothing bothers him and now he’s lost his head! “What does this mean?” I moaned, absolutely regretting the moment I had decided he was strong enough to keep our big dog from wandering. What does it mean indeed? I placed the head back onto the shoulders, where it now sits quite comfortably again. You would never know it was broken simply by looking at it.

I pondered the meaning of the Buddha losing its head. Suddenly I saw the significance of it: he doesn’t need his head! In other words, the Buddha is not the Buddha because of his head. He is the Buddha because he practiced losing his head, by sitting in stillness, detaching from the foibles of the conjuring mind. The Buddha is the symbol of mindlessness, empty head, having finally achieved ultimate clarity, enlightenment, and freedom from the temptations, frustrations, and restless activities of this world.

I must face my own attachment to this beautiful stone Buddha. Though the Buddha has lost his head I must not weep. I must be as contented as Buddha. Even now, with head severed by restless dog, he sits perfectly still, keeping watch over our front yard, still presenting me with the utter calmness of balance that I seek. Or perhaps now truly symbolizing what it means to maintain balance in life, that no matter what comes along to interrupt the flow of our lives or knock our heads off we must learn to anchor ourselves in the inner peacefulness and joy of just being.

If you wish, feel free to share or comment in the Post Comment section below.

Sending you all love, good wishes, and balance.

#704 Stay Centered, Focused & Detached

Jan Ketchel channeling Jeanne Marie Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What is the challenge that we must all face this week? We seem to be energetically dealing with a lot of restless energy and although I know very little about astrology I do know that the full moon, a phase we are in now, generally offers some intense energy shifts. So, what advice do you offer us as we step into this new week?

The challenge that all must face this week will be to stay centered, focused, and detached while outside energy attempts a major coup.

You note, correctly, the restlessness of this time, and although it may attempt to draw the impatient side out of you, I advise closing the doors of the self to the impact of this draw. Restlessness itself must not become a motivator, but it can be used wisely if centered balance is maintained. In order to use such energy for betterment, I suggest turning inward to a reminder of your personal plan, your greater purpose, and your eventual goal in life.

Restlessness may be used creatively. It may be channeled into meaningful activity if it remains focused inward, but such practical usage of it requires turning away from that which comes from outside, for it carries upon its back much that you do not need.

Be aware of your inner focus now as you begin this week. Find your calm center and return to it often. Within this calm center place your mantras, your intentions for the week, and anchor yourself in them today, and continually throughout the week, in order to remain firmly set in your personal energy.

For all practical purposes, outside energy is to be avoided at this time. That is my firm contention at this energetic time. Inwardly you will find all you need, especially if you find yourself greatly attached to the outside energy for whatever reason. If this is so in your case, understand that you are attached to it because you are being strongly urged to turn away from it! By turning inward you will not be avoiding anything, but in fact using its restless power to more forcefully anchor yourself, allowing it to push you more firmly in an inward direction.

Practice detachment throughout the week. Go with the flow of your inner energy rather than the pull of the outer energy. Find your true calm flow, attach to it, and do not let go of it for long, as you ride the energy of this, indeed, restless time.

There are many storms brewing. There are many enticing outer activities planned, presented, and popping up for your entertainment, but I suggest that you attend to your inner self in asking for guidance. Your inner energy will tell you how to handle it.

Do not feel obligated to honor non-growth oriented activities. Of course, play is always a necessary aspect of life, but I suggest, in this coming week, that a more serious attitude be adopted. A time of confrontation, if successfully handled, may lead to a much-needed shift and this is what you must attempt. This is what you are always attempting: to gain in awareness of energy, and to learn how the self handles it, so that you may shift and gain a new perspective on your personal life and your world at large. This is what you are being presented with now: the option to remain innerly attached to the energy of self and outerly detached from being drawn into restless and non-productive activities, using the energy to advance.

It’s not really that hard to do. It just involves staying focused on the one task at hand and that is, as always, inner growth.

#698 The Energy of Change is Full of Love

Jan Ketchel channeling Jeanne Marie Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today, energetically and practically speaking?

On an energetic level, this is a time for inner work, recapitulation, and seeking balance. It is a time of great forces converging and aligning in preparation for shift to come.

It feels like we’ve already had some big shifts lately. Are there more to come?

Yes. I have spoken of this as a time of change. It is here, and when such energy is present there is the propensity but also the certainty of more change, for once the energetic charge has been fired the snowball effect is in play. I foresee great change still to come. This I see outside of you, but you know that this will also be what you are confronted with inside you, right?

Yes, it seems to be how it goes and, yes, it does seem to be a good time for inner work. It’s been easier to see and understand how I, personally, have projected inner issues onto the world. My inner process has really been progressing well; at least that’s how it feels. I hope your other readers are also feeling the same progress as they take their own inner journeys.

This is a time of recapitulation, and by that I mean that the energy, which asks for inner turning, is highly present, accessible, and engaging, but it is also energy full of kindness and gentleness. What may feel like pushy energy is full of love, My Dear Ones, and if you elect to engage it in recapitulation you will have some very interesting inner journeys. It is energy of protection and it covets the inner working process. If thus engaged, you will find that your inner work will not only be allowed, but time will be presented for it, though it is up to you to elect to do the inner work over some other enticement.

So, what do you offer us on a practical level?

I highly recommend that you, first, remain aware that this is inner work time. Secondly, look for the moments that will be granted so that you may spend time alone, reading, writing, musing in nature, or simply sitting in quietude. Thirdly, look outside of you for what is happening inside of you and turn that projection inward.

You understand what I mean by this, right? For instance, if you think someone outside of you is acting irrationally or abruptly, do not spend too much time pondering that person’s issues, but instead ask the self, where and how do I act irrationally? Where and how to I act abruptly? Is it in relation to others, to ideas, or thoughts? Am I too dismissive of the issues of others, too afraid to make them my own?

You see, My Dears, you always have new issues to address. No matter how well you think you are doing, there is always something else to address. You might find that your outer world is flowing pretty well, is nicely balanced, and that you are in synch with the energy. But I hazard that if you go innerly, to a new deeper level, that you will run up against something that makes you uncomfortable or curious about the self. Right, Jan?

Well yes, Jeanne. I always find that I can go deeper, even if I think I’m doing pretty well. And even though I’ve done a pretty thorough recapitulation there is always something else that comes up, something that I may not be aware of until I meet it outside of me.

Yes, that is what happens. As you live your life, as you go out into the world each day you are bound to bump up against something that will raise your ire, your sense of dignity, your judgments, and confrontations with the choices you make each day.

So, how do we deal with what comes up?

As I said, take steps to calm your outer reaction after fully accepting that it is how you are feeling, by owning that feeling in an outerly projected sense and then turning it inward. For instance, you may get angry about something and that in itself must be accepted by you. But do not stay in anger. Do not allow it to consume you, but instead consume it. In a metaphorical sense, you could allow it to seep into your deeper self, to the fearful self, and ask this aspect of self to confront it. What is it that is causing this anger to boil up? What old issue is being prodded to come forth now so that you may resolve it?

If you attempt to spew anger outwardly it will remain outwardly present, perhaps even infecting others, as well as the balance of your day. But if you bravely face its old familiarity inside you, you may find that it relates to something that happened to you a long time ago. This is the inner work that will be aided and abetted by the energy of now. And, yes, you can and should use this energy of change to do your inner work and change yourself!

Do not be afraid of what lies inside you! Most likely you will find a small child in there just waiting to be rediscovered and released of all the old buried feelings. That’s all; it’s just you in there. And you know that you are just afraid of what you might encounter, when in fact you will find you are just innocence itself. Can you allow yourself to be innocent? That is my final question.

#695 Chuck’s Place: WHY BP?

Mother Earth, that mighty sentient being, has resorted to that ancient healing practice of leeching, or blood letting, to cure her wounds. Her BP, her blood pressure, has risen and blown a gasket, as her blood spews forth, poisoning the seas. With all our advanced technological know-how, we cannot cauterize or clot this flow. Bleeding, as all women experience, is nature’s way of cleansing.

The Earth poisons now our food supply. Why? And why won’t she stop? Why is she destroying herself? Frankly, I see no other way for Mother Earth to save herself, other than to create unprecedented destruction.

Mankind has been unable to evolve beyond greed, the true culprit of the wounding of the Earth. Mankind’s most prized possession, his reason, is but a puppet in the hands of his greed. Even in the midst of this unprecedented environmental disaster a judge has lifted the ban on offshore drilling. Our Mother realizes that the destruction must be vast and must impact us at a level we cannot ignore, at a level that forces us to change, to cap our greed, in order to survive.

Mother is providing us with a cure now, a flow, to move us forward. Mother is correcting the imbalance in mankind. This is no longer a problem solvable by reason; reason is no match for greed. Mother is forcing our instinct of self-preservation to confront our out-of-control hunger instinct, which has been allowed to consume and destroy, in the form of hoarding, accumulating, and exploiting the Earth. As this quote from a Wintu woman, in T. C. McLuhan’s Touch the Earth suggests, modern man has lost his connection to balance as reflected in his practices toward the Earth:

When we Indians dig roots, we make little holes. When we build houses, we make little holes. When we burn grass for grasshoppers, we don’t ruin things. We shake down acorns and pinenuts. We don’t chop down the trees. We only use dead wood. But the White people plow up the ground, pull down the trees, kill everything. The tree says, ‘Don’t. I am sore. Don’t hurt me.’ But they chop it down and cut it up… They blast rocks and scatter them on the ground… How can the spirit of the earth like the White man? Everywhere the White man has touched it, it is sore.”

This is now a battle of instincts, instigated by the Great Mother Earth. Man, with his reason, is being put in his proper place, as Mother instinct takes over, with her menstrual flow, to clean things up and reassert natural balance. It’s not in our hands anymore. Mother Earth has taken over her own body. All we can do now is acquiesce to the facts of the destruction and what we need to do to survive. If we choose to continue to manipulate and spin reality, allowing reason to continue to feed our greed, Mother Earth will continue to spew toxins, her own chemotherapy, to bring us to truth. It’s an illusion for us to really believe that we are in control now.

That’s why BP. Mother has sent us a sign, using an acronym we can recognize: BP. Her blood pressure will no longer tolerate our greed. It’s pointless to blame BP; Mother has chosen BP for her own cleansing purposes, offering our consciousness the acronym BP to contemplate. Despite the destruction, Mother does have a sense of humor!

If you wish to correspond, please feel free to post a comment below.

Until we meet again,