Tag Archives: balance

Soulbyte for Monday August 7, 2017

When the moon is full and energy is high beware the inclination to overdo, overstretch, overbear. It is a good time to restrain, retain, and limit, to maintain some boundaries and disregard the urges to do otherwise. Life appropriately has its highs and lows and yet to remain in balance it is most appropriate to neither get too high nor too low. A little discipline is being called for today. It’s a good idea, and a better course of action. Keep in balance!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 18, 2017

Don’t attempt to overpower nature. Let nature take its natural course. Remember that even in the midst of a storm there are moments of calm; the eye of the hurricane, the time between wind blasts, the pause between lightning strikes. There is always an opportunity to reestablish stability and gain balance. Maintain your flexibility as you learn to ride the rough times that naturally occur, for you are no more than a storm yourself, capable of test and turmoil, a powerful force of nature. You are your own boat and you are the rocky seas, you are the wind and you are the waves, you are the sun bringing the end of the storm and the calm air too that signals that it’s over. Be grateful for all that life brings and all that you are, the calm eye and the wild storm too, powerful energy indeed! Use it wisely.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 17, 2017

Do you really need so much? Keep yourself modest all of your days and discover what really matters. Matters of the heart, matters of the body, matters of the mind are perhaps more important than matters of desire or greed. In modesty find balance, in excess none at all. In modesty find your feet on the ground and take a breath of fresh air knowing that what you seek is within you, not far nor impossible to achieve but right there ready to greet you. In modesty know yourself and others as beings of the Great Mother and find all that you need at your fingertips. In modesty work hard, live fully, and learn as much as you can so that you may take your place upon that Great Earth aware of who you are and conscious of all that is offered. In modesty live a good and fulfilling life, fully aware that modesty offers quite a lot indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 10, 2017

Tend to your body as much as you tend to your soul, for it is the temple that houses you, the residence of your being and your life upon the earth. Tend likewise, in equal measure, to your soul, for it is the bringer of life and knowledge, the basis of your being and your life upon that earth. In balance of these two find peace and contentment, as well as the vital connection that allows them to communicate with each other, keeping you attuned to all that you are, for it is the meshing of these two that you seek. Forget one and you might as well forget the other, for they are inseparable, friends for life! Get to know these two vital parts of yourself and work with them. It’s all you need to continue your journey through life in companionable company. Your full potential lies always within, in the two of you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 12, 2017

Try to remain heart centered and kind though the world may appear cruel and heartless. Mother Earth gives yet also takes, yet her bounty still exists, her wholeness remains intact. Even within the self there may be anger and discontent, yet it is possible to still be a loving being. When turmoil arises remember that life and death, light and dark, exist simultaneously, holding each other accountable and to certain standards. When one goes too far the other corrects, restoring balance. And that is the key to continuation, maintaining balance. And heart centered kindness adds a greatly needed touch that only a human can provide, and that is something called love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne