Soulbyte for Wednesday August 22, 2018

All will be well. As things continue to shift, and as you make the changes that are now necessary in your life, project ahead to a time when all will be well. Imagine what that will look like and know that indeed all will be well. Use this mantra to anchor in your heart’s intent and knowing that you are on the path to change and that as you progress, one step at a time, each day is part of the journey and that on this day too all will be well. You’re all set, for all is as it should be for this day’s journey. All will be well today. All will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 21, 2018

Don’t get so down on yourself. You may not be getting everything right, but you’ve been around long enough and you know yourself well enough to know that you know some things and that you are talented and skilled in many ways. Acknowledge your good traits and let go of your perceived bad traits as if they did not belong to you. Embrace the knowing that you are fully capable of doing life. Love life a little more each day. Embrace it as you would a lover so that in turn it will embrace you back in like manner. Become a lover of life. Give it your all, and see what happens!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Time To Move On

Sometimes the path is very clear and straightforward…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Good Morning! Here is our audio channeling. Things are shifting in a new direction now and we are advised to get on board. Stay positive and open-hearted, and always keep an open mind.

Have a wonderful week! And yes, today is the 20th and not the 21st, as I mistakenly note in the commentary after the message.

Soulbyte for Monday August 20, 2018

Be honest with yourself. If you continue to tell yourself the old stories nothing will change. It’s not about making up a new story but about facing the truth and making a correction that is lasting, so that the old stories no longer have a place to anchor in you, and so that only the honest truth flows through you. Let honesty be your guide. Let it show you a new way, so that with compassion and love for yourself you may move onward in a new direction. Isn’t it time?

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 17, 2018

Stay heart centered, connected to the greater good that stirs within you in times of quiet containment, in times of inner silence, in times of solitude. Carry this greater good, what you might call your heart-centered knowing, within you always, for it is the fuel of your spirit and your connection to the greater universe, to expanded awareness. Cultivate it, learn about it, bring it forth and use it for greater good in everyday life. If you keep it a secret it will stay a secret, but if you begin to use it in small ways soon a river of greater good will naturally flow out of you and you will be at one with the greater good of the entire universe. Let it flow, for the greater good of all. That would be very good indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne