A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Time To Change

This is what balance looks like, the bringing together of heaven and earth in equal measure… Dream flag of the 16th Karmapa

Our audio channeling this week suggests that the time to change has arrived. We are all invited to partake, within and without, beginning where it best fits us personally. If we can get right  in our own lives, the rest of the world has a better chance of getting right too!

Good luck during this coming week of universal and personal change and transformation!

Soulbyte for Monday August 27, 2018

Get right within the self. Rather than turn outward, looking at others to blame or to dismiss as getting it wrong, doing it wrong, or having failed in some way, look to the self. How have you gotten it wrong? What are you doing that isn’t right? How have you failed? Turn inward and investigate the self on many deepening levels as to your personal state. Can you accept the truth and deal with it in an inner way rather than an outer way, with all your feelings and emotions on board and part of the process? It’s time to turn inward and get the self right. As you do that the world outside of you will begin to get right again too. As within, so without. And don’t forget, do so without regret or resentment. Do it out of love, loving the self for all that has transpired and loving life to come. Do it with love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 24, 2018

Stay true to your own self, even as you mature into new life, even as you get drawn out of yourself into new adventures. Remain true to your own heart, even as you give your heart to others, as you share yourself and expose yourself to new life. Stay true to yourself always, even as you are drawn to experiences that you have never had before and as you go far from home and what is familiar. In staying true to your own self, remain heart centered always, anchored in the place of loving kindness and compassion, for self as well as others, even as you must harden yourself to withstand the vicissitudes of life and the disappointments that are sure to come. Remain your beautiful heart centered self. As within, so without.

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 23, 2018

Hold firm to your intent even as you grapple with that which comes to dissuade you, to pull you off course, to conquer you once again. Stay convinced of your own goodness and your intent to change. Take a firm grip of the line you have thrown out to your future self and pull yourself along it, one step and one day at a time. You can do it. Hold firm and carry on towing the line. Eventually you will arrive at the other end and realize that this journey too has transformed you and that you did it, that even the long and circuitous journey could not thwart your intent to change. Hold firm to your intent and carry on. You are worth it!

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Changing the Past

The inspiration for this blog comes from our neighbor Joseph McMoneagle’s book,  The Ultimate Time Machine. His reflections on the relativity of the past, as a “reality” largely based upon interpretation, coincides neatly with the Shamans of Ancient Mexico’s experience of the Wheel of Time.

Changing the past allows completion of the labyrinth…

Recapitulation is an ancient shamanic practice that enables one to change the past. As McMoneagle points out, the past is largely defined by our interpretation system, which is mostly determined by our socialization by significant others since the moment of our birth. Thus, memory is largely colored by a feeling tone and cognitive understanding based on socialization.

When we recapitulate we relive the actual experience of the past with the consciousness of fresh eyes, or a point of awareness from the future, now, that affords a different view. From that new perspective, the past indeed changes. Yes, certain events happened that are the focus of the recapitulation, however, the interpretation of those facts is wide open to change.

Beyond actual interpretation is the feeling experience of the object of recapitulation. A traumatic event of violent proportion may at first be experienced as more physically and emotionally intense than actually previously remembered. This in and of itself changes the past because one is allowed, perhaps for the first time, a fuller experience of what actually happened.

The intensity of sensation and emotion emanating from a past event frequently shifts in recapitulation, to the point that remembering the event actually results in a neutral reaction. This is not the result of suppression or dissociation. The formerly traumatic event truly becomes a content of personal history that no longer casts a trigger shadow over present life. In fact, some horrific experiences in life can actually become transformed into objects of humor.

These are genuine examples of changing the past. The change is in having a much broader experience in all that happened in a way not possible when we first experienced it. We were limited by the level of our abilities at that stage of our development, as well as by the defenses our body and higher self brought into play, such as fragmentation and amnesia, as we simply were not ready to take in and make sense of the event as we experienced it. Now we are freed to know it and be with the past in a whole new way.

Recapitulation, then, is a valid technology to change the past, resulting in a fuller energetic presence in life now. In shamanic terms: we retrieve fragmented energy, parts of ourselves previously frozen in a “past” not fully known. This energetic retrieval is possible, as the past can now release it from the bondage of incompletion. The past is changed and the present is enlivened through this change in the past.

So, yes, change in the past can definitely change the present. Practice recapitulation, see what happens!

