Soulbyte for Wednesday July 11, 2018

Let there be no discussion about the heart being the center of all human goodness, for there is no doubt that if all beings operated from their heart center the world would indeed be a far different place, in far better shape, both the humans and the environment, and that which is most sought after would be achieved. A loving state, with all living beings embraced, would change the world. Be in a loving state yourself and see what happens in your own little world. Let your loving heart begin to change the world.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 10, 2018

You are a creature of the earth, so get grounded. You are also a creature of the heavens, so reach for them. But you will neither be fully grounded nor fully able to grasp if you are not grounded in your life upon the earth. Find yourself in your body, your feet upon the ground, your breath inside you bringing life, meaning, and purpose within the body. Let your spirit anchor in your body, but also let it explore the realms outside of the body, secure in knowing that you have your body in control, in health, and in preparedness to receive the wisdom and insight it brings to you. Let yourself be all that you are, body and spirit, heaven and earth, and with feet firmly planted seek fulfillment in both so that your life may truly be fulfilled. In this manner, be a true journeyer of all that is.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 9, 2018

To be in Tao one must have patience anchored in calmness that extends from within to without and from without to within, a line of pure energy connecting the self to all that is and all that is to the self. Let yourself be in Tao, in the flow of all that is, in nature in its greatest sense, formless and flowing; sound, movement, breath all one. Let yourself be in the flow today and all will be well. You really can’t do better than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

There will be no audio channeling this week. Enjoy the Soulbytes, which will be posted as usual each morning. Next audio channeling next Monday!

Soulbyte for Friday July 6, 2018

What are you carrying and why? What does not belong to you that you feel obligated to treasure and bear? What do you burden yourself with that was never yours to begin with? Free yourself by letting go of what does not belong to you, innerly and outerly, emotions and artifacts alike. Let go of what does not have meaning or value to you personally, and what belongs to someone else. It is not your responsibility to be the bearer of other people’s past selves or other people’s future selves. Let is all go and feel the wings of freedom emerge from your back where previously you carried all that stuff that did not belong to you. Ah! Freedom!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 5, 2018

You are your own responsibility. Let there be no confusion about that. And yet, as human creatures, it is common to join in relationship or community, to share experiences and be as one. When this is so, responsibility is shared as well. But take care to not lose your individual self in the relationship or amidst the group, for you and your soul have a job to do that is individual, personal, and as equally important as that of others. Remind yourself often of your responsibility to your own journey and to your soul’s journey. Whatever it may be and wherever it takes you it’s why you are there, taking the journey of your lifetime. Discover it each day as you begin anew, focused once again on that prime need: to live your soul’s intent to the fullest, one day at a time. That’s your real responsibility!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne