Soulbyte for Tuesday September 26, 2017

Keep sacred the breath of life so that it may long nurture and sustain you. Use it wisely, to center and ground you but also in protest when necessary. Use it to calm and quiet you but also to rise up and conquer when it is time, for sometimes it is indeed right to be riled up and to take action. Sometimes sitting still is the best medicine and sometimes getting to your feet and doing something is the only cure. It is, however, a very fine line between the two, for balance is key to everything, and it is only long inner contemplation that will bring forth the right decision. How you choose to protest matters, so choose with care. How you sit and breathe, however, is very simple, just do it. Breathe, and as you do remember that life is in every breath and it is sacred. Choose wisely.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Sitting Still


Sitting still & praying…
-Photo by Jan Ketchel

Good advice for us all in this week’s channeled message as divisive energy continues to ramp up. Find time for sitting in calmness and do your part to still the rise in violence, as within so without.

Wishing everyone a wonderful, peaceful week!

Soulbyte for Monday September 25, 2017

With all your power send greetings of loving kindness around the world. Block words of hate with words of love and compassion, sending them reverberating around the globe on the wings of your intent. Beat drums of peaceful calmness and sing a heartfelt tune and with all your might spread love and peace, not hate and war. Pray for a peaceful outcome.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Sage Guidance for Now

The energy we prefer to spread…

Jan and I drove into our little village of Red Hook yesterday to be greeted at the main crossroad by a pickup truck sporting a huge half- American half-confederate flag blowing in the wind in the bed of the truck. The energy of the war drums pounding is palpable everywhere. How to respond? We turn to some sage guidance from the person we consider to be the wisest of the 20th Century, whose reach has yet to be fully realized, C. G. Jung, from his collected letters Volume 2, p. 502-3.

On April 28, 1959 Jung responded to a question as to why he didn’t protest against the injustice done to Tibet by the Chinese occupation. Here is his response:

“You are quite right: I also ask myself why I do not use the means that appear to be at my disposal to do my bit in combating the atrocities that are going on in the world. I can give no rational reasons for this. In such matters I usually wait for an order from within. I have heard nothing of the kind. The world situation has got so hopelessly out of hand that even the most stirring words signify nothing. It would be more to the point, or so it seems to me, if each of us were sure of his own attitude. But an individual who thinks that his voice is heard afar merely exposes himself to the suspicion that he is one of that band who have said something in order to prove to themselves that they have done something whereas in reality they have done nothing at all. Words have become too cheap. Being is more difficult and is therefore fondly replaced by verbalizing. Unfortunately this is all I have to say on the matter.”

What Jung is suggesting is that we act when we hear the order to do so from within ourselves. That order issuing not from impulse but from the quiet certainty of the heart. In the meantime the real contribution is to take on one’s own being, truly reconciling the opposing energies within the self. This is the playing field for world peace, the holographic solution.



Soulbyte for Friday September 22, 2017

The heart centered communities must come together in solidarity now. It’s time to join forces in whatever way suits you, quietly in prayer and word, or outwardly in meaningful action. There are many ways to be a community. Come together in spirit with the powers of goodness, kindness and compassion at the center, the messages of love, respect and equality spread worldwide. Divisive times call for strength and unity. A community of kindred souls, good people, have the opportunity now to seize the day, so that hearts may once again be filled with joy at what has transpired. Time to get creative with heart centeredness at the core of every effort, day and night, in thought, word, and action.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne