Tag Archives: universe

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 21, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Unusual are the ways of the Universe in how it connects with Spirit and creates for the greater good. Open your eyes more often to the synchronicities in your life, those meaningful coincidences that make no sense yet are so important. Pay attention to the inner voice that correctly guides you so that you are safe, that gives you insight and helps you navigate the world. You are an integrated part of that wholeness that you perceive as the world around you, not separate but an informed part that when once more alert and aware will begin to see the finer, more intricate subtleties of life in and around you. There is a greater plan of which you are a part and which you impact on a daily basis. Watch more closely for the signs that guide you and show you the way.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 22, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Place yourself at the center of an imaginary circle. How big is your circle? It doesn’t matter. From the center point you have access to everything within your circle; everything belongs to you. Imagine what you want inside the circle with you. What do you need and most want? You are in control. What you bring in affects you. What you leave out affects you. Imagine this circle as a bubble surrounding and protecting you. From it you can reach out or remain inside; it’s up to you. The illusion is that you are alone, but you are not. You are one circle among many, all living together, safe and protected alone and safe and protected as a mass; like a school of fish. You are part of a greater universe, and just as your little bubble is your responsibility so is the greater universe. You are inherently affected by everything and everything affects you. Such is life.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 4, 2020

Patience. Set your intent, send it out to the Universe, and then wait patiently. Remind yourself of your connection to all that is good, to all that is positive and productive, and wait patiently for that which your heart intends. When the heart truly desires and the heart waits patiently the heart will receive if it remains open and trusting. Your dreams will come true if you remain in right alignment within and without. While waiting patiently prepare yourself for receiving, for the outcome of your intent is sure to find you if you are open and receptive. Patient waiting is not sitting and doing nothing. It is a highly active state of heart centered calm intent and trusting preparation, as if that which you intend has already happened. Get ready.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 11, 2020

Find your way to calmness within, to that place of inner self, a place of trust, security, and knowing. From that place of inner self decide how to proceed, what decisions to make, and what words to speak to enact the change you so desire. When the universe pushes for change nothing can stop it. Prepare the inner self first so that every action you take comes from a place of love and kindness. Begin there and everything else will flow smoothly. Love is where it’s at.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 17, 2019

Settle into the calmness of your own heart center and rest assured that it will carry you forward with sobriety, goodness, and sweetness; that its steady beat will keep you attuned to the steady beat of nature all around you, and that it will guide you well. No matter where you live, no matter your circumstances, you have access to this inner resource. This is the real nature you seek, the natural energy of loving kindness that permeates everything, that flows through the universe and into you too. Let your knowing heart be calm, and let yourself be assured that you are safe within yourself, with your knowing heart as your guide, your teacher, your friend. The great heart of the universe, to which you all belong, beats for all. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne