Tag Archives: the power of thought

Chuck’s Place: It’s All In What You Emphasize

The nagual shaman, don Juan Matus, explained to his apprentice, Carlos Castaneda, that yes, the solid object reality we live in is indeed real, but, it is energy first. Our thoughts, which are interpretations of energy, manifest our physical reality.

What we manifest is real, but the broader truth is that all manifested realities are but an interpretation of infinite energy. Like the Hindu image of the cosmic ocean, the wave is but the manifested surface that appears, and then disappears, back into its underlying cosmic oneness.

From the Thoth Tarot deck of Aliester Crowley

Aleister Crowley, in discussing the Three of Swords, in his Thoth tarot deck, states that the extreme sorrow of this card can be likened to the Buddha’s initial stage of enlightenment when he encountered the pure potential of unmanifested reality: no forms, no reason.

Despite the bliss of this pure clarity, there is the necessary sorrow of releasing attachment to the familiar. Here, one is challenged to surrender to a  consciousness greater than one’s current manifestation.

It all begins in the mind. Outer reflects inner. It’s all in what one chooses to emphasize. Negative thought is certainly an option; it’s just as real an option as a positive thought—divinity includes everything.

Everything is possible, but the paradox is that to realize this truth we must be willing to let go of our cherished beliefs, which are fixations of energy that block the natural flow of energy needed to manifest desired change. The struggle is indeed one of submitting to enlightened sorrow, the necessary crossroad that accompanies moving beyond the familiar habitual self.

Take for instance a desired physical change in the body. One may state a healing intent of change but is constantly assaulted by the feedback of sensory evidence that contradicts one’s stated suggestion to their subconscious mind. This sensory feedback loop becomes its own internal dialogue that presents a more powerful counter-intention to the subconscious mind.

The technology of change, through the use of autosuggestion, insists that one emphasize repeatedly that their desired change is already accomplished. The seed has been planted in the divine substance of the subconscious mind and its full manifestation cannot be stopped, despite the presence of a solid sensory artifact, rooted in a prior interpretation of energy.

I suggest resting the body so that the subconscious mind, relieved of its physical oversight responsibilities, might clearly receive its new directive and move toward manifestation. With presence and passion, repeat the stated intention. Be bold, no hesitation, thy will is done.

At other times, be willing to suffer those moments of fear and sorrow when one glimpses the real possibility of letting go of the cherished limited self. Yes, you are chosen; you have chosen to emphasize the red pill: the life-changing, often painful truth beyond the current fixation of solid energy.

From the Thoth Tarot deck of Aliester Crowley

Of course, when the gig is up, the gig is up. In another card of Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck, the Three of Cups, we find the near perfect realization of the manifested intent of abundance. The presence of pomegranate seeds in the cups, though symbolic of abundance, also recall Persephone’s required stay in the underworld for six months of the year with her husband Pluto, god of the dead.

We cannot escape the expiration date located in the small print of every manifestation. Life insists upon growth, which always requires the letting go of the known.

This recalls the Buddha’s suggestion that life is suffering. Everything that we attach to ultimately limits our growth. But that sorrow can be sweet when we embrace love for all in this adventure of forever. One always has the choice to emphasize love and let it fully manifest.

With love,

Chuck’s Place: Your Ultimate Superpower Is The Subconscious Mind

Everyone has the same superpower…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The subconscious mind is the true equal opportunity employer. Everyone has one. Everyone exercises it every day. Everyone has access to its treasure trove of riches.

In the Torah, God tells the Jews that they are the chosen. The broader implication of being chosen is that all of humanity was chosen to direct the superpower of the subconscious mind.

While all of nature remained under the absolute control of the archetypes in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the parents of humanity, obtained the power of conscious intent to direct the superpower of the subconscious mind and create their world.

Humankind has stumbled through history in its exercise of its power of intent. Many live in utter poverty of mind, believing themselves powerless to manifest the life they desire. Christ introduced the secret to manifestation. That secret is simple: to be a master of intent you must believe that anything is possible.

In all his recorded healings, Christ emphasized that one must have faith, that they must believe they can be healed, in order to heal. This is the secret of the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Simply put, we attract to us and manifest in our lives what we believe. Our beliefs are the suggestions we send to the superpower of the subconscious mind, which attract the necessary elements from Infinite Intelligence to manifest the dream we truly believe in.

The evolution of the conscious mind has delivered us the power of reason, the current fixation of the modern mind. This power has enabled us to somewhat master nature and generate an ordered civilization. It has also caused us to revoke our beliefs in the irrational —that anything is possible— leaving us distant and removed from the spiritual essence of our physical being.

Perhaps Donald Trump’s greatest contribution to our time is his shattering impact upon the hegemony of reason. His power is purely irrational. It’s a fact, he insists. His beliefs and suggestions are so strong that they have manifested as true reality for half a nation.

The conscious mind must mature and learn about the true superpower of the subconscious mind. We, all of humanity, must become responsible  administrators of our thoughts and beliefs, which become the intentions and suggestions we manifest. We manifest what we concentrate on, what we think about; it’s that simple.

The chaos in the world at this time is the manifestation of a developmental process that we are collectively undergoing. Just look at how social media targets beliefs in order to accrue greater suggestive power over the superpower of the collective subconscious mind. As horrific as the events on the world’s battlefields are, the real superpower lies in the subconscious mind of every individual.

We have the power to inspire our subconscious minds with the suggestion to manifest an all-inclusive world of love. Like the single rainmaker who can restore the Tao and break open the heavens to rain through his personal intent, we are all individually empowered to generate pervasive love and joy for our fledgling planet.


Soulbyte for Monday July 29, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Everything is connected and part of the same field of energy. So when something is happening in one part of the world it reverberates through the energy field and everyone feels it. Being closer to the source of a disturbance means you will feel it more, but even the faintest waves of disturbance are felt. Within a household each person’s energy field has an effect on every other person in the household. The same is true no matter where you go. Every time you enter a space your energy enters with you and you bring change. Seek calmness within the self so that calmness travels with you. Seek calmness within the self so that your contribution to the world’s energy field is peaceful and calm. Think peaceful and calm thoughts too, for even your thought waves have an effect. Energy is energy no matter its form.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 24, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Reluctance to make a move allows fear to take over. Fear restricts, holds back and makes reluctance look easy. For once fear takes over other problems arise, worry and anxiety, and eventually depression sets in. Negative emotions lead to a negative outlook on life and negative outcomes ensue. By looking at the original reluctance, and finding out why it’s there and what’s behind it, a whole avalanche of problems can be averted. Far better to face the initial reluctance, to move beyond it so that life may proceed in a more positive direction. Why not take a chance on being open to something new? It’s possibly just what you need!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 17, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

When you monitor your thoughts and make a concerted effort to think more positively, prosperously, and successfully, things begin to happen to reflect your new thinking. Soon you notice that a change in thought patterns results in a change in reality. If how you think really does have the power to create life in a new way, why not change your thinking? If thought alone has that much power, imagine what a consistently changed pattern of thinking can do, if every thought was newly formed to be more positive, hopeful and open. If you do truly create your own reality by the way you think, by what you concentrate on, it stands to reason that by changing your thinking you can also change your life. When change is desired begin first by changing your thoughts. See what happens!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne