Tag Archives: the power of suggestion

Chuck’s Place: The Golden Opportunity Of Now

The Golden Opportunity to use intent for the greater good is now…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Life in a physical body upon the Earth, at this phase of eternity, is largely governed by autosuggestions emanating from our instinctive nature. Though consciousness is awakening to its power to intend and create its physical reality, it remains largely controlled by hidden, limiting autosuggestions. 

Autosuggestions can originate from both conscious and subconscious intent. The ego, employing its thinking mind, can decide upon an innovative change that it then perseveringly suggests to its workhorse subconscious mind to manufacture in material reality. This is an example of a conscious intent derived from inductive, or creative, thinking and presented to the subconscious mind for materialization.

The subconscious mind does not employ the inductive reasoning of ego consciousness. With inductive reasoning the ego can think and create outside the box. Though I have stated repeatedly that the subconscious does not think, this is in fact not completely accurate. The subconscious thinks deductively.

Essentially, the subconscious treats the suggestion it embraces as absolute fact and engages all of its energy to manufacture and prove this commanding suggestion via associations generated from its access to the vast storehouse of human evolutionary history. Thus, the subconscious makes a suggested truth become a physical truth.

Although the conscious mind, particularly through perseverance, can attract the subconscious mind to embrace and manufacture its suggestions, the subconscious mind is mostly drawn to suggestions presented to it by our genetic code, our evolutionary history and, most prominently, our instincts, which have insured the survival of the human race.

If the conscious mind imagines it will be attacked in some way, fear might overtake one’s mental, emotional, and physical state. Confronted with actual danger, the subconscious mind will likely embrace and act upon instructions suggested to it by one’s self-preservation instinct, which can result in the calm clarity and superhuman strength needed to defend one’s self. In this case, the subconscious abandons the suggestion of consciousness, to remain fearful, in favor of the empowered instinctual suggestion to survive.

This overtaking of the ego by autosuggestion from the instinct for self-preservation is favorable in this instance, as it can save a life. However, a family history of a particular disease, rooted in one’s genetic code, might pose the suggestion to the subconscious to automatically activate this latent possibility of disease. This situation may be further complicated by a reigning blocking belief in science, which states that consciousness alone cannot alter physical reality.  Consequently, the ego is sheepishly lulled to concur with the disease suggestion of its genetic code, thereby forfeiting its potential ability to create another reality.

To be sure, not all physical conditions can be altered by conscious suggestion. Some programs, such as the inevitable death of the human body, derive from programs that may be delayed but ultimately cannot be overcome.

But clearly, evolution advanced us from the total domination of our animal instinctual mind, to allow for free will and change, because of the creative power of consciousness to alter physical reality and thereby enhance its potential for survival. This is evolutionary innovation via intent versus via natural selection. The golden opportunity of now is to fully embrace and exercise this creative power of mind for the greater good of all.

Advanced disembodied souls, whom have turned their attention to informing and guiding those of us still physically embodied, have shared consistently that life beyond the human body is primarily controlled by the soul’s mental capacity to imagine. Imagination is the currency of nonphysical reality, where one is freed to live in a reality of one’s own mental construction.

This creative activity allows a soul to generate familiar environments, populated with kindred souls, enabling the completion of incomplete residual dreams from one’s prior sojourn in physical life. Completion, at this phase of eternity, enables one to progress ultimately into the more expanded dream of one’s soul group.

This refinement of creative imaginative power, beyond physical life, though largely dormant while living in a physical body, is nonetheless a latent power capable of being activated while in physical life. The shamans of ancient Mexico instruct us to suspend the prejudice of materialism and unrelentingly intend the change we seek. With intent we can awaken the spirit from its slumber in materialist malaise.

To support this awakening, the shamans also recommend that we throw out a line and hook to our future  disembodied soul state, and to the prolific potential of this creative facility, stalking it now. By stalking, the shamans mean embodying the full knowing and exercise of intent as the prime creative power in life. To consciously master it in this life is the ultimate intent.

Trust the power of the Spirit. Trust the power of consciousness to change the self and to change the world.

As we live through the destruction of this Fall season of Earth’s life and face the inevitable changes ahead, let us, without fear or doubt, imagine and create, with intent, a new world that reflects the greater good for all.

Without attachment to the outcome, know it will be done. This is the golden opportunity of now.


Soulbyte for Tuesday October 10, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Don’t let negative thoughts get in the way of progress. Just as when you put a positive intent out to the universe and ask for help so does a negative thought go out as well. Replace negativity with an attitude that is grateful for every day and every experience, that is thankful for the opportunity to change. A negative thought offers just that, an opportunity to change, to turn in a new direction and do something different. Don’t offer the universe your negativity, for surely it will take it and run with it, and that won’t help you or anyone else. Give it something better and more enriching to work with!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Always Find The Positive In The Negative

Finding the positive in the negative…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Most of what we are is either inherited or molded by our formative social experience, essentially, what we brought in with us into this life and how we were greeted when we arrived. The force of these influences can make a strong argument that the course of a human life is predetermined or mechanistically determined.

Nonetheless, as noted existential thinkers and authors Victor Frankl and Edith Eger have demonstrated: Regardless of circumstances beyond our control, we always retain the free will to choose the attitude we will take toward our reality. And attitudes, it turns out, are powerful suggestions that we, as creators, present to our subconscious minds that can completely shift the reality that we live in.

Some of those inherent programs, however, are so powerful that they simply cannot be overridden, like the one the shamans of Ancient Mexico emphasize: We are beings who are going to die. Ironically, this is the one inherent program that human beings refuse to acknowledge and, in fact, spend most of their lives living as though it will never come true!

Of course, the argument immediately arises that to focus on the inevitability of death is morbidly negative and casts too depressive a shadow over opening up to the fullness of life. So what could possibly be the positive side of death?

Death advises us that our time in human form is limited. This impact of limitation allows for a legitimate scientific experiment in the living of a human life. Science insists upon a beginning and an ending to assess the truth and full knowing of something. The awareness of inevitable death keeps us positively on track to discover and test the core hypothesis of our lives. But what is our core hypothesis?

Carl Jung would identify that hypothesis as one of individuation, which entails successfully bringing into realized wholeness the unique combination of opposing parts that we are. Frederick Myers, from his advanced perspective in infinity, would identify that hypothesis as an incarnating soul’s mission, assigned by its Spirit, to answer a question through the trajectory of a human life, which ultimately allows one’s soul group to further refine and thus to advance on its ever-unfolding journey in infinity.

Wholeness must include light and shadow. Individuation is the ability to accept, with equanimity, all parts of self and all parts of the world. Buddha, during his enlightenment, remained utterly calm, as he saw the illusory and transitory nature of all forms. Carlos Castaneda suggested that, as one discovers the specific role one has been assigned in this life, one suspend judgment and live and appreciate it to the fullest, whether it emphasizes the light or the dark side.

The power players on the current world stage are truly playing their parts to perfection, both those who reflect the light and those who blatantly reflect evil. The collective individuation challenge  of our time is well represented, with worthy opponents whose interplay is critical to advancement of the soul group of planet Earth’s dream.

Closer to home, we all struggle with these opposing forces within ourselves. We all contend with genetic consequences, which both limit and promote our physical structure, health, and attractiveness. If we can see these effects, no matter how undesirable, as critical factors to our individual and soul group’s need to master, we can embrace the positive side of the negative.

At the level of the psyche, we all deal with forces that can be extremely critical, deprecating and incessantly negative, generating depressed mood states and compulsive behaviors. If we can understand the necessity of these negative forces in our journey of mastery, we can see the positive value of these petty tyrants to help us emerge from the captivity of self pity.

Self pity shapes our vital flowing energy into a rigid negative form that completely clouds the positive potential latent in the present challenge. It’s a dream where many of the stone steps of a narrow circular stairway are missing, as we feel hopelessly barred from ascent to higher ground. Our energy is fully spent on body armor, condemning our innocence and unlived self to the isolation of solitary confinement.

The shamans of ancient Mexico always included powerful petty tyrants in their lives to help them stare down the imprisoning bars of self pity. Being challenged by ruthless petty tyrants frees our energy from the confinement of defending our hurt selves, allowing it to be deployed in focused action in full conformity to what is needed to master the tyrant’s labyrinth.

To achieve this mastery we cannot afford to spend an ounce of energy on being offended. Here, the petty tyrants of this world offer us the greatest opportunity to break through the narcissistic shell of self pity and entitlement.

The success of individuation in the limits of a human life is the achievement of acceptance; complete acceptance for every experience and character one has ever encountered, as well as complete acceptance of one’s self.

The fruit of this acceptance is an even more refined purity of love. And that refined love is what fulfills our lives and advances our soul group another rung on the infinite ladder of love.

Always find the positive in the negative; it’s the truly soulful thing to do,

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 19, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

There is a part of you that knows that magical thinking is not just hocus-pocus, that there is power in thought. To speak to yourself in glowing terms has an effect, just as the use of your own energy to promote health and healing has an effect. Put to good use the power of your own mind by turning negative thoughts into more than just positive thoughts. Turn you own energy into its vibrant healing tone, the sound of you taking charge. Tune up your vibration with the power of your own intent, your own focused mind, and your own unbending belief in yourself.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 6, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

What agreements are you making with yourself? What agreements are you constantly upholding? What decisions were made without discussion? What longheld beliefs keep you from pursuing your fullest potential? The subconscious loves to attach and it does so very easily, but it is also extremely intelligent, flexible, and ready at any moment to move in a new direction. Tell it something new and it will agree. Give it new, positive, healthy commands. Imbue it with new vigor and it will snap to. Change agreements and see what happens. You won’t be disappointed!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne