Tag Archives: The Monroe Institute

Chuck’s Place: Don’t forget To Ask If It’s Right

The Way of the Mandala…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

We live in an age where direct access to the tools of manifestation abound. As human evolution has shifted to the psychic plane, we are all waking up to latent powers that allow us to tap into both elemental and subtle resources to manifest our desires.

One question that emerges as we expand our consciousness and deepen our access to psychic powers is, how we might appropriately use them.

Robert Monroe provided explorers with an affirmation in their journeys, “to Use such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me.”

Clearly, Bob is stressing here that we hone our intent to the benefit of all humankind. In fact, the mission of the Monroe Institute is, “Helping people create more meaningful and joyful lives through the guided exploration of expanded consciousness.”

I participated in a recent intensive retreat at the Monroe Institute where the theme of mandalas emerged in many participant’s journeys. I personally, during one journey, came upon the face of my round wristwatch at the center of a rectangular door. A mandala typically includes the juxtaposition of a circle and a square.

Experientially, this encounter with a mandala coincided with a very powerful vibrational energy that I was experiencing at my heart chakra, which provided the energy, via this sensation, to come to acceptance of a disturbing dream image from the prior night.

Carl Jung brought to the attention of the modern world the archetype of the mandala as the central organizing symbol of life. The circle encompasses infinity; the square, our humanness. For Jung, at the center of the circle was the Self, or Spirit, and not the ego, which is the center only of the conscious personality.

The path toward fulfillment in life requires one to square the circle; that is, to align one’s life with the core intent of one’s Spirit. Expropriating one’s psychic resources for ego gain, which is out of alignment with Spirit, would be considered an ego inflation, where ego assumes the identity and authority of Self. Humans have the amazing tool of free will, which all too often leads to ego decisions that throw them out of psychological balance and negatively impact the world.

Mandalas frequently appear in waking life and in dreaming, as trail markers from Self, as we suffer challenging experiences and make decisions in our lives. The mandala in my experience guided me to raise the vibration in my heart chakra to be able to activate love to accept the unacceptable.

Carl Jung’s Red Book is his diary of his journeys into the collective unconscious, which became the foundation of his contributions to the field of psychology. His communications with entities during his discovery process are documented alongside countless mandalas he painted that enabled him to maintain psychic balance throughout this extraordinary process.

Stan Grof, initially through the use of psychedelics and later through holotropic breath work, has deepened the mapping of the transpersonal regions of the psyche. His protocol strongly encourages all participants in his workshops to paint mandalas as they restore inner balance and recapitulate their soul retrievals and adventures in infinity.

The highlight of the mandala in my recent retreat was a collective reminder to be sure to not forget to ask if it’s right. It refers to one’s intent, decision or ambition for manifestation.

The Self often spontaneously and creatively provides some semblance of a mandala-like symbol to provide guidance. These can take the form of a dirty, heads-up penny on the ground, or a circular or rectangular pool, or a grouping of 4 objects or people—the permutations are endless.

One may also have to wait patiently for this guidance or validation to appear. Sometimes the Self requires that the ego go it alone, taking full responsibility for decisions made. The effects of decisions and actions taken are often the best teachers.

When mandalas do show up, give the ego the worthy job of contemplating their messages. Or, to get in alignment with Self, simply start drawing a mandala. Or use a finger in the sand, and like the Tibetans and Native Americans sculpt a mandala with the intent to align with Spirit.

See what happens. Remember Bob Monroe’s affirmation to make constructive and beneficial one’s use of greater energies and energy systems.

Aligning with mandala,

An Incredible Offering From TMI

We are not marketing anything, just want to make you aware of this incredible offering from The Monroe Institute, a two-week long, online “beyond meditation” course. A reasonably priced dip into the world of Robert Monroe and the work being done at TMI that can launch anyone into new vistas of consciousness. What a gift! Be sure to watch the video included in the link. It might clarify for you just why we moved where we did!

Happy journeying,

Jan & Chuck

Here’s the link: Beyond Meditation Intro Course

Chuck’s Place: Remote Viewing

Reach out and see what happens…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel taken at The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia

Jan and I spent a week at the Monroe Institute doing their Gateway Program, which uses advanced sound technology to induce Alpha and Theta brainwave states, the frequencies for out-of-body states, lucid dreaming and manifestation.

We were treated to extended meetings with Joseph McMoneagle and Paul Elder, the former of whom is considered the most evolved remote viewer in the world. Both had affiliation with The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Stargate Project, a psychic remote viewing program dedicated to locating such targets as hidden nuclear sites or finding important missing people.

The Stargate Project operated as part of US intelligence from 1978 to 1995 when, after all those years, the CIA disbanded the program, claiming that the psychic phenomenon of remote viewing had not been very useful. Interesting how many years it took to figure out how ‘worthless’ psychic ability is. I’m sure the Russians came to the same conclusion!

Remote viewing is a psychic ability that involves the viewer getting completely centered in their right brain, the physical download of the deep spirit self, where all things are connected as one, the home of all knowledge. From this place of all knowing the viewer describes and/or draws the scene that comes to them, which ultimately provides the physical location of a chosen target.

I’ve come to realize that all of life is a remote viewing of our future self’s promptings to notice, in the resonances and compulsions of our present lives, reflections of our soul’s intent. Too often we get caught in the near-sightedness and tumult of our present circumstance, missing or misjudging the broader clues of the puzzle pieces of our destiny as they bubble up in current life.

Indeed the person or circumstance we are currently fixated on is significant. On some level they are the current representatives of our soul’s greater intent. However, they may only be a step, a necessary challenge that must be mastered before our soul can bring greater focus to where we really need to go.

Too often we get too attached and misjudge a significant task as the fulfillment of our purpose in life. We resist the obvious signs that it is not really ‘the one’ we are really seeking. The energy that covets this projected reflection of our soul snares us and thus we are destined to journey into the abyss of illusion.

Oh, how wonderful those illusions are! We really should enjoy all our illusions. But when Spirit calls we do well to listen. As Joseph Campbell pointed out, sometimes ‘the call’ comes but once.

Suspend judgment. From a broader perspective all journeys are relevant way stations as we traverse the labyrinth of our soul’s intent. Turn instead with awe to the magic remotely presented and viewed in the unfolding movie of the Everyday of our Lives. Figure it out, and journey on!

View from afar,
