You are so much more than your thoughts, your fears, your incessant cravings, your endless desires. So much more is available beyond the busy mind, a vast sea of insights, knowledge and truth accessible to everyone if you learn how to calm the busy mind, still the restless body and attain spatial peace, within and without. In this place of peace, true reality is tapped and a new and different sense of self is realized. Take steps each day to attain peace in body and mind through sitting quietly, being in nature, breathing, so that you still the busy mind. Each day will bring you a little closer and each day a little more peace will build within you. Learn to be in the flow of calm energy that is naturally within you, at your heart center, and from there learn all you can about love, kindness, empathy and compassion. This is what the world needs now.
I threw the I Ching to get its take on the state of the world. I received the hexagram of Retreat, #33. It gave emphasis to a heightened energetic movement that has given me considerable pause for reflection. Specifically, the moving line in the second place states: “He holds him fast with yellow oxhide. No one can tear him loose.” (Wilhelm translation, p. 131).
The absolute necessity for retreat is the theme of this hexagram. All the moving lines highlight the various permutations of how that might be carried out. This moving line depicts an utter clinging to something that appears to contradict the necessity of letting go in order to retreat.
Wilhelm suggests that this line parallels Jacob’s biblical encounter with the angel Peniel (Gen. 32:26): “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.” Why would anyone need to cling to an angel of God, considered a representative for the face of God, and demand to be blessed?
If Jacob is ego, and angel/God is our High Spirit, than ego, in the face of necessary retreat, is absolutely insisting to maintain a living connection to High Spirit. I can’t help but see this attitude mirrored by the people of Ukraine, and particularly by their spirited leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In him, I see the spirit of Martin Luther King, who, although knowing he wouldn’t be here in physical form to witness it, assured us all that the Spirit would manifest a fully integrated world, someday.
In this time of great disintegration, where the collective subconscious, with all its deeply suppressed energies, has found chaotic outlet on the world stage, this reading guides us to cling to the Spirit of love and truth, as our fragile civilization must retreat and preserve itself in the inner chamber of the heart. Many are called upon to offer the ultimate sacrifice, but their spirits are alive and unrelenting in their intent for freedom.
Amidst the deluge of disheartening words, accusations, and conspiracy theories, cling to love. Do not allow threats to dampen the spirit and send one into despair, nihilism, cynicism, and depression. Stay excited! Look to the greater truth of deep transformation happening right now upon this planet Earth.
Breakdown is a necessary prelude to reconstruction. And indeed, the world is contending with global carpetbaggers, totalitarians selling their narcissistic wares, seeking to entrance the populace with power schemes of shock and awe. Cling to the Spirit of love. Stay positive. Know that you are here, upon this Earth, amidst the tremendum of this moment to manifest the true Spirit of love, the foundation for our evolving planet.
On a personal level, continue to cling to the High Spirit of love to raise and radiate a higher vibration that attracts like Spirits and protects against intrusions of the lower negative vibrations seeking to undermine the all-encompassing power of love. In clinging to the power of love, ego remains charged with positive excitement, even as it must traverse through a loaded minefield of negativity in its retreat.
In a nutshell, I interpret the guidance of the I Ching as the necessity to retreat into the truth and love of the heart during this most activated of times. Cling with unrelenting perseverance to the High Spirit, we are advised, where love radiates at such a high vibration that nothing of a lower vibration can penetrate it. Ego must cling to its Spirit rather than fall prey to manipulation, inflation, or deflation.
Rest assured, with this alignment you truly will be blessed. That blessing is the excitement of High Spirit’s love vibration.
Intend peace and calm. Intend loving kindness. Intend compassionate hearts. Intend a world changing in the direction of the greater good for all. Intend happiness for all beings. Intend that the world change in a positive direction so that Mother Earth and all her creatures may live in harmony and balance. Intend a good ending and a good beginning. Intend love above all else.
Let love guide you and show you the way. To be loving is to know and understand that the energy of love is the cure all for what ails one and all. Love, the silent medicine that you need send merely by intent, is capable of permeating the strongest barriers, even through hatred, greed, and narcissism. It works its magic subtly but piercingly, softly but determinedly, silently but with such power that there is no denying its good outcome. Send love into the world, to those you know and those you don’t, and see what happens. You won’t be disappointed!
Let not worries usurp your power nor steal your adventuresome spirit from you but hold onto the real power that is yours to foster and grow, the power of love in all its permutations; love as kindness, love as compassion, love as joy and creativity, as fluid as the water you drink, as smooth as the air you breathe, as reverberating as the sound of thunder in the distance. Love, the natural energy that abounds within in so many forms. Let it not be usurped by worry or fear or sadness but allow it to grow and nurture within and without. For indeed, it is the answer to all that you cannot control or understand. Love is the answer.