You are so much more than your thoughts, your fears, your incessant cravings, your endless desires. So much more is available beyond the busy mind, a vast sea of insights, knowledge and truth accessible to everyone if you learn how to calm the busy mind, still the restless body and attain spatial peace, within and without. In this place of peace, true reality is tapped and a new and different sense of self is realized. Take steps each day to attain peace in body and mind through sitting quietly, being in nature, breathing, so that you still the busy mind. Each day will bring you a little closer and each day a little more peace will build within you. Learn to be in the flow of calm energy that is naturally within you, at your heart center, and from there learn all you can about love, kindness, empathy and compassion. This is what the world needs now.
Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne