Tag Archives: path with heart

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 28, 2020

Without shame, face the truth of the self. Do so without blame as well, accepting that life has many paths to offer, how the pull to one path or another has challenged and shaped you, made you who you are today. Now pause. Consider all the possibilities still out there that you are free to choose. What’s stopping you, except your idea that you can’t? Look around at all the other paths and decide which is truly your path of heart. Which path offers me what I truly seek? It’s never too late to change, to take life in a new direction, to challenge and shape a new you, to follow the guidance of spirit. A path with heart is never a wrong path.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 27, 2020

Make decisions based upon your heart’s intent, upon the desires of your spirit. Keep in mind that the heart knows what is right, that it remembers always its greater intent, even if you forget, even if you fail to uphold your end of the bargain you made with your spirit, even if you neglect it for some whim. Return always to your heart when it comes time to make a decision and simply ask it what to do. It will not fail you.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 24, 2020

Do not get discouraged. Discouragement leads only downward when it is the proclivity of the heart to go upward, to strive for the path that leads onward toward the light and that which is most desired. To remain upon a path with heart no matter what transpires is the warrior’s way. When making a choice, choose always the path with heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 2, 2020

Begin each day anew, with renewed intent to stay upon your path with heart. No matter what has transpired or will transpire, the path with heart is the one to come back to. Return to it each day with renewed vigor, with knowledge learned from the previous day’s encounters with life, and remind yourself that you are a being of worth, worthy also of as much life as the next person. Seek your own life in your own way. Explore that which has meaning for you so that your life’s journey may have not only meaning but purpose. In this manner traverse your path with heart each day, intent upon learning, growing, and experiencing what life is really all about. That is the warrior’s way.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 20, 2020

Life offers so many options, so many choices, so many decisions to make, but really there is only one path, a path with heart, the path where the heart leads, the path that feels so right that there is no doubt that it is the only path to take. Upon a path with heart, options, choices, and decisions are easily determined by asking the heart to guide, for the heart already knows its path with heart, every step of the way. And a warrior knows to trust it, for a warrior knows that a path with heart is the path of fulfillment, not just full of promise but promising, not just hopeful but full of hope, not just possible but full of possibilities that are aligned with every heart-centered step. Is your path a path with heart? Only the heart knows.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne