Tag Archives: nature

Soulbyte for Friday September 14, 2018

Let come what may. You can’t stop nature. You can’t stop certain things. You are powerless before certain things. Admit it. And then remind yourself of what you do have power over, of what you do control, and of what you can stop. Look without and know that there are certain things that you are at the mercy of, that you cannot control. Look within and find your own power to shape yourself and your life as you would like. It is the inner power that matters, how you use it and what you bring to the table, in humbleness, in strength, in fortitude, in endurance, and in gratitude for all that you possess. Allow your inner self to guide you in making good decisions, even as you ask for guidance from your helpers, seen and unseen. Own your own power and make your way in a new direction that is right for you, in balance with nature and all that is true, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 25, 2018

Anchor more firmly in your own natural rhythm. Notice how your energy gets pulled in one direction or another, how like nature you really are. So like the ocean with its tides. So like the moon with its waxing and waning. So like the sun with its rising and setting. So like the winds that blow, the clouds that float by, the trees that grow and bend. But unlike nature, at the whim of all that is, you can choose how to use your energy, when it is beneficial to do something or not. Even as nature changes rapidly now stay in good form, and with awareness use your energy wisely. You will be happy you did!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 9, 2018

To be in Tao one must have patience anchored in calmness that extends from within to without and from without to within, a line of pure energy connecting the self to all that is and all that is to the self. Let yourself be in Tao, in the flow of all that is, in nature in its greatest sense, formless and flowing; sound, movement, breath all one. Let yourself be in the flow today and all will be well. You really can’t do better than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

There will be no audio channeling this week. Enjoy the Soulbytes, which will be posted as usual each morning. Next audio channeling next Monday!

Soulbyte for Monday June 18, 2018

Change is constant. Prepare yourself well for this changing day. You are already in the flow of it so don’t worry about that, just get right within yourself. Get in alignment with the fact that change is happening all the time, within and without, and be okay with that. Embrace your changing self and be at ease as you walk your path more certain every day that this is what you have been working and waiting for, this day. Change is life in action and you are life. Life is change in action and you are change too!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 15, 2018

Let the unnecessary go, that which causes so much pain and so many problems. Why hold onto something that only holds you back? Practice letting go by shifting toward something new, by turning in a new direction, by saying something different to yourself, by developing new relationships, by turning to nature and letting it guide you in what it means to let go. Nature is an expert at letting go, for letting go is change and nature is in constant change. Letting go is the first most necessary aspect of beginning to change. Let something old go today, even if it’s just an idea about yourself that is not positive, and take the first step towards a changed self. And don’t forget to look forward with joy in your heart as you take your first step!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne