Tag Archives: manifestation

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 28, 2017

What have you manifested lately? And why? Have you manifested something good for yourself or something bad? Good thoughts manifest good while bad thoughts manifest bad. What you tell yourself actually does manifest, good or bad. Think about it. Pretty soon you’ll notice that what you’ve been telling yourself has come true. Tired of the old thoughts about yourself? Time for something new? You have the power to change things in your life by changing your thoughts, your ideas, your words, your attitude about yourself. Why not? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Manifest something good for yourself. Think Positive!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 30, 2017

Thoughts and ideas have power. What you hold onto manifests in your life. What are you manifesting? Is it what you want? Can you let an old idea go and open to something new? Can you open to abundance rather than resist its attempts to enter your life? It comes from outside, yet something inside you must let it in and that something is trust. Try out a little trust today and see what the universe presents you with. It’s a heart centered practice. Can you open your heart, just a little, and trust that you will be safe and respected, gifted and accepted? What you want is right there waiting to be let in. Can you? Just a little? You never know until you try!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne