Tag Archives: love is the answer

Soulbyte for Thursday September 5, 2019

Keep the love going strong, even as you must face your inner battles. Do not lose sight of that which is most important, your own growth and freedom, so that you may be fully available to be loving and generous for the rest of your days. Resolve the issues within the self that keep you from this loving and generous fulfillment of self. This will lead to the kind of freedom you don’t even know you need or desire as of yet, but once you attain it you will understand everything, and that all you have gone through has been well worth it. And remember, you are not alone, though you must face your aloneness; you are not forgotten, though you must face being forgotten; you are not neglected, though you must face neglect. You are part of the great loving wholeness and thus you are loved and you are loving. This is the truth. Seek this love, eternally, within and without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 3, 2019

Use the creative energy within you for healing purposes, first healing the self and all that ails you, in mind, body, and spirit, and then using it outwardly to heal the world. Stir your energy with intent, with thoughts of love, with visualizations of what you desire, and without doubt know that you have healing powers within you capable of doing the seemingly impossible. It’s all about breaking your attachments to limitations, to the rational mind that says that’s impossible, and opening up to the true energy of love that naturally flows through the universe and through you too; that which is unseen but felt; that which is not a medicine in a bottle but a vibrational energy that you have the power to stir up within you. Use your love energy in this manner; stir it up by breathing into your heart chakra and let the healing begin. It’s what you need now and it’s what the world needs too. It’s not just about thinking loving thoughts; it’s about actualizing them by energetic means, within your own body. It’s not only possible, it’s practical. Stir up the love and use it for some lasting good, within and without.

Sending you vibrations of healing love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: The Intelligence of Love

Love is a sacred power, use it wisely…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Today’s audio channeling supports today’s Soulbyte quite nicely. It’s all about love and how to use it properly in these times of great change, for all things need love in order to thrive and survive. Nurture your own loving self properly, and use your love appropriately, so that all may thrive in and survive these great times of change and upheaval. Be loving.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 26, 2019

True warriors of the world, warriors of love, pierce the darkness with your light. Turn your love on and let it shine, for without you there will be no light in the darkness to show the way. The times call for those of light and love to lead the way. If you know the truth of love, that it is the answer to the greatest needs, then do not hold back. Let go of your personal distresses and focus on the impersonal wholeness that is necessary to enact the goal of the true warrior, to carry forth love in the heart no matter how painful or debilitating. A true warrior always chooses a path with heart, and a true warrior knows that indeed love is the answer.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 5, 2019

Let love be your guide, your navigator, and your partner. In everything you do, everything, let love be present in your heart, in your mind, and in your hands. In love’s hands you can’t go wrong. In love’s company you are never alone. In love’s presence you are whole. There is no greater calming presence than that of love, within and without. Embody love, be love, give love wherever you roam. In all its forms, love is the answer.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne