Tag Archives: life’s journey

Soulbyte for Monday December 25, 2017

Let love and joy surround you on this December day. Let the warmth of your own heart stir within you and bring you what you really need, for though it is a giving day it is most important to realize that the only one who can truly give you what you really need is you yourself. So don’t forget to grant yourself a moment of heartfelt love and appreciation for  yourself and your unfolding journey to wholeness. For whether you are aware of it or not that’s what you really need and really seek. Wholeness within the self can only be granted by you and the journey you are on.

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

We are taking a much needed retreat from the world over the next few weeks, so although we will post our daily Soulbytes, and perhaps some other Facebook posts as the spirits move us, there will not be an audio channeling nor our personal blogs until next year, starting on Monday January 8, 2018. Until then, we send love and good wishes for safe and Happy Holidays to all of you! And much thanks and gratitude for a wonderful year past! -Jan & Chuck

Soulbyte for Friday December 22, 2017

In times of uncertainty find your grounding in the ground beneath your feet, in the certainty of nature; in the sun’s rising and setting, in the moon’s glow, and in the way nature continues on its steady way no matter what is happening. When there is no steadiness find steadfastness in the earth you walk upon and nature all around you as it makes its daily rounds of ups and downs, of lights and darks, of comings and goings. When there is nothing to rely on rely on nature and nature’s steadiness within yourself. And remember, no matter what happens and no matter what is going on in the world, the sun will not change its natural ways, for it will rise again tomorrow and make its way across the sky just as it always has.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 6, 2017

What is the best way to live? What is the best path to take, the best practice to do? There is no easy solution except to always be heart centered. For though life may take you on a winding ride through ups and downs, through the thicks and thins of what it means to be human the one continuum you can always count on is the loving heart that beats its steady rhythms of caring, kindness, and compassion. A caring heart houses a caring soul. Keep connected to this aspect of yourself no matter what life throws at you and your life will have meaning and your journey will be fulfilling. Stay heart centered even when all else fails, for a loving heart is always worth cultivating.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 20, 2017

You are powerful. You have the power to change yourself. You can change your thinking by thinking something positive. Say something nice to yourself. You can change your mind about something. Make a decision to do something adventurous. Do something that makes you happy. Take a walk and breathe the fresh air. Get inspired. Take in the energy of a new experience. Dare to be different. It might be all it really takes to set you off on a new journey. Dare to take one step in a new direction today. You do have the power to do that, even if only in your mind. And that might be all it takes, a change of mind!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Dream A New Dream


Dream with the cosmos…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are all encouraged to dream a new dream, to take our lives forward in a new and good way, because that’s what we’re supposed to be doing, always. Dream on everyone! May your journey be buoyant and joyous!