Tag Archives: life as a journey

Soulbyte for Friday February 2, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

There is no shame in wanting fulfillment, in whatever shape or form you desire it. Look to nature and how naturally it fulfills itself, how each flower strives to fully bloom, how each fruit tree pushes its fruit to ripen, how every bird sings its mating song and seeks its partner, how naturally a human baby grows into adulthood, seeking its own fullness. Fulfillment means many different things to many different people but the path is the same, the intent is the same, the dream is the same. Continue the dream, it’s only natural.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 26, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

You are living through a time of great change and transformation on a personal, a collective and a cosmic level. Within the self is where the focus should be. Rather than getting all upset about what is happening outside of you, focus on what is happening within. Within is the playing field of transformation. On an individual level this is where you face the collective and cosmic changes that affect you and ask you to change as well. There is no stopping the force of change. No matter where it is taking you, it’s time to step up and become more fully your true self. Your true self is human and also infinite. With that in mind, explore all possibilities and open your heart to the changes that have arrived and those that are still to come. With an open heart there is room for compassion, kindness and love to both emerge and be received. Keep always an open heart.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 24, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Guidance comes in so many different ways to help you through your daily life, to show you how to make good decisions and aid you as you seek higher ground, as you seek a spiritual way. Look to your dreams but also to events, signs and sudden signals in your waking life as well. Notice how your calls for help are answered and how your guides and helpers respond to you, for often they will use the same methods repeatedly. And remember: Ask and you will receive. Though the answer may come in unexpected ways, and perhaps may not be the answer you expect, you will get an answer. Even silence is an answer.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 23, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Each day offers an opportunity to change, to do something new, to more fully become the person you are meant to be, to explore what it means to be human. Notice how nature never misses an opportunity, how each day changes are taking place, sometimes subtlety, sometimes drastically. Without fear be open to the changes that come into your own life. Rather than regret them embrace them, for they are as natural as can be. Change is the hand of the divine showing you where to go next.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 19, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Balance remains the most important key to good health on all levels of being, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Without balance the whole self is not fully present or in charge to make good decisions, or able to sustain life in an evolving manner. Taking responsibility for the self, as a full-fledged adult is perhaps the most important aspect of maintaining balance. Without balance one becomes a victim. But to override that is simply a matter of deciding that it’s your life, after all, and that you are in change of every aspect of it, within and without. When you let things slide there is no one to blame except yourself and your own decision to do so. Balance, at its best, means juggling everything that comes to you, keeping yourself aloft so that each day begins with the joyous anticipation of a job to be done well and ends with the joyous knowledge that indeed it was!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne