Tag Archives: inner power

A Message For Humanity From Jeanne: Time To Make A Change

Time to have a chat with the inner self?
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

In our audio message this morning we are prompted to take advantage of these changing times for making some needed changes within ourselves. We all already know what that means, personally. The outer chaos points us inward toward correcting or shifting ourselves in a new and positive direction. It’s the only way to change the world, to first change the self.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully productive week.

Soulbyte for Monday january 7, 2019

Focus your energy so that it may be put to good use, utilized for growth and change within and to create harmony in your outer world. Do this by changing your negative thinking to positive thoughts. Do this by imagining yourself in a future setting and determine that you will arrive there whole, unscathed, and in the most magical way. Visualize yourself in a most beautiful world and then manifest it by making beauty in your own world, one day and one thought at a time. Allow yourself to imagine a changed world by doing something to create it, every day, in the most positive ways. You are the creator and the creation. You are everything, the source of power and the power in your own life. Use it wisely for yourself and for the good of all.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 14, 2018

Let come what may. You can’t stop nature. You can’t stop certain things. You are powerless before certain things. Admit it. And then remind yourself of what you do have power over, of what you do control, and of what you can stop. Look without and know that there are certain things that you are at the mercy of, that you cannot control. Look within and find your own power to shape yourself and your life as you would like. It is the inner power that matters, how you use it and what you bring to the table, in humbleness, in strength, in fortitude, in endurance, and in gratitude for all that you possess. Allow your inner self to guide you in making good decisions, even as you ask for guidance from your helpers, seen and unseen. Own your own power and make your way in a new direction that is right for you, in balance with nature and all that is true, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday November 9, 2017

Though you may not realize it, you are energy first, flesh and blood second. As energy you have power over your flesh and blood, your physical and mental bodies. You have power over how you feel, act, and think. Keep your energy tuned to its highest healing power. Ask it to work within you to keep you in tiptop shape. Hone it, melt into it, let it do its magic. It’s right there, for you are energy at all times. You just have to relax and feel it, breathe and become it, acquiesce and know it to use it for your greater good. In this way know your energetic self and know the greater possibilities of all beings, the power of your own spirit. Energy first!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 23, 2017

You can let things happen to you by chance or you can gather some positive energy and help things along with intent. Intent works like a magic potion; a spell of words and the power of your own heart-centered love make for a magical combination. In your own body, mind, and spirit you have all the power you need to change anything you want. Activate the power of intent! It’s never too late!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne