Tag Archives: heartcenteredness

Soulbyte for Friday August 10, 2018

Let love find its way into your heart and into your mind, into every breath you breathe and every thought you think. Be a breathing, thinking being of love, and let love find you in return. There is plenty to go around. Where it lies crouched in fear, or where it stays hidden behind a facade of anger, tease it out, breath by breath and thought by thought, and let it be reciprocated heart to heart, for that is good and what is good is necessary. Give a little of your love energy and then give some more. It won’t hurt you to give and it may even be just the thing for you, and for someone else, that provides a necessary change. Be loving in calm stillness, in the quiet of every breath, in the silence of every thought, without saying a word, just love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Let Your Heart Rest

Your path of heart is probably the one you are already on…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are advised to accept our place on the planet and get in alignment with all that we are, and to do so from a place of calm heart-centeredness. Not a bad idea because when we are calmly heart centered we seem to navigate life a lot more easily. Have you noticed?

Have a wonderful week.

Soulbyte for Friday July 20, 2018

Breathe into your heart and awaken its love energy, for what do you seek more than this? The energy of love is the connecting energy between all things, between the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. Awaken the love energy first within yourself so that you may experience it all around you, so that you may connect with others and know yourself in a new way, as a being of love, as love itself, for that is what you truly are. Be love itself and let love guide you to know yourself in a new way and to experience the world in a new way too, as love energy. And remember, love permeates and surrounds all and it is powerful. Let it do its good work through you and in you. Be loving today and see what happens!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 18, 2018

Let your heart warm within you, bringing laughter and tears, the truth of both your joy and your pain. Let your heart acknowledge all that you are, all that you have, and all that you yearn for, for it is the heart that knows and feels all. In heart centered breathing begin anew today, fully aware of yourself in the universe, connected, included, and held sacred, for that you are: cared for and sacred in the arms of love. Accept this and be at peace in this moment of loving kindness, granted to you from all that is. Accept your sacred self today and know that you are loved. Carry this knowledge within you always, but especially today.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 11, 2018

Let there be no discussion about the heart being the center of all human goodness, for there is no doubt that if all beings operated from their heart center the world would indeed be a far different place, in far better shape, both the humans and the environment, and that which is most sought after would be achieved. A loving state, with all living beings embraced, would change the world. Be in a loving state yourself and see what happens in your own little world. Let your loving heart begin to change the world.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne