Tag Archives: heartcenteredness

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 12, 2018

Keep an open heart. Though you have to weather through your feelings of disappointment and loss, though you have to face the changes that life presents you with, and though you may be reluctant to accept them, keep always an open heart. An open heart is a giving and a receiving heart. An open heart keeps open the door to opportunity so you do not miss the most profoundly important things in life, the most sweetly subtle, the most loving and powerful. Your open heart can handle them all. Let it do its good work. For yourself and the world, keep an open heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 22, 2018

Each day offers a new opportunity to shift, to reset your intent, to set off in a new direction, to move on into new life. It’s never too late to redefine yourself and find your true self. Find your true self in everything you do and everyone you meet. As you interact and converse with others, pause and remind yourself to let your true self come forth from your kind and loving heart and act and speak on your behalf. There’s no one else in the world like your own true self. Be your kind and loving true self in all you do today—a most worthwhile and meaningful step to take!

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne