Tag Archives: heart centeredness

Soulbyte for Monday September 11, 2017

In times of stress learn to manage the energy within yourself. It may be the only control you have. When something outside of you cannot be changed, change what is going on inside of you. Change your stress levels by breathing into your heart, by calming your mind with your breath, but cooling your temper with your breath, by reminding yourself that eventually things will change. In times of stress find peace and guidance within yourself. You may not realize it, but you have more at your disposal than you think. There is a deeper you ready and willing to come to your aid, to participate in your life, to be what you need. The solution is not to be found in your head but in your heart. Breathe. Just breathe.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 30, 2017

Life asks you to come out and meet it, to make something of it, to begin where you are and create your own life with what is provided; little or much, it doesn’t matter, a bit of soil or a bit of gold, it’s what you make of it that matters. Though great suffering and loss occur during a lifetime the expectation remains the same, to make something of the suffering and the loss, to create anew with what is provided. In the darkest of times there is always a light, even if it is only in your heart. Live a heart-centered life, in both your outer world and your inner world, and embrace that life energy that constantly seeks creation anew. Make heart-centered living your daily practice and live life to the fullest, no matter what has happened or is going to happen.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 22, 2017

Have high expectations and a humble heart. Hold in your heart the expectations of decency, honesty, and respect. Turn to your fellow human beings expecting goodness, kindness, and compassion. Teach the things you expect by your own actions, in how you speak, in how you choose to live and how you do your own life. Be what you expect to see and experience. Have high expectations of yourself in all you do. Expecting the best is not just a dream, it’s expected! Life expects it. Life and the life of the earth depend upon you and your decisions. Let not the humans fail life in this regard. Take responsibility for your small section of the world by promoting and expecting the best, always!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 4, 2017

Find your center within your self. Be heart centered in thought, word, and deed. Allow your heart to speak the truth, knowing that it does not lie. Allow your heart to guide you, knowing that it has your best interests in mind. Allow your heart to take action, knowing that it will do what is right. Be heart centered, knowing that it is in alignment with all that is right. Be heart centered all of your days, beginning today!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 2, 2017

Think harmony and peace. It’s not too late to carry the seeds of compassion, planting them for a future soon to come, a future in need of the fruits of love and kindness. It’s not too late to be the heart-centered being who resides inside of you, unafraid to let your light shine, careful to spread it where it is most needed. Use your gifts in some way so that others benefit. It’s not too late.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne